diminish_srw_ss : string list -> ssfrag list
Removes named simpset fragments from the stateful simpset.
A call to diminish_srw_ss fragnames removes the simpset fragments with names given in fragnames from the stateful simpset which is returned by srw_ss(), and which is used by SRW_TAC. This removal is done as a side effect.

The function also returns the simpset fragments that have been removed. This allows them to be put back into the simpset with a call to augment_srw_ss.

The effect of this call is not exported to descendent theories.

Fails with the Conv.UNCHANGED exception if the call would make no change to the underlying simpset (i.e., if no name in fragnames corresponds to a fragment in the stateful simpset. Apart from this, a name can be provided for a fragment that does not appear in the stateful simpset. In this case, the name is just ignored, and there will be no corresponding fragment in the list that the function returns.
- SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``MAP ($+ 1) [3;4;5]``;
> val it = |- MAP ($+ 1) [3; 4; 5] = [4; 5; 6] : thm

- val frags = diminish_srw_ss ["REDUCE"]
> val frags =
   [Simplification set: REDUCE
      REDUCE_CONV (arithmetic reduction), keyed on pattern  ``EVEN x``
      REDUCE_CONV (arithmetic reduction), keyed on pattern  ``ODD x``
      REDUCE_CONV (arithmetic reduction), keyed on pattern  ``PRE x``
      REDUCE_CONV (arithmetic reduction), keyed on pattern  ``SUC x``
    ...] : ssfrag list

- SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``MAP ($+ 1) [3;4;5]``;
> val it = |- MAP ($+ 1) [3; 4; 5] = [1 + 3; 1 + 4; 1 + 5] : thm

- augment_srw_ss frags;
> val it = () : unit

- SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``MAP ($+ 1) [3;4;5]``;
> val it = |- MAP ($+ 1) [3; 4; 5] = [4; 5; 6] : thm
HOL  Trindemossen-1