Structure OpenTheoryCommon

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

signature OpenTheoryCommon =

val thy_tyop_to_string  : OpenTheoryMap.thy_tyop  -> string
val thy_const_to_string : OpenTheoryMap.thy_const -> string

datatype object
= ONum of int
| OName of string
| OList of object list
| OTypeOp of OpenTheoryMap.thy_tyop
| OType of Type.hol_type
| OConst of OpenTheoryMap.thy_const
| OVar of Term.term
| OTerm of Term.term
| OThm of Thm.thm

val object_compare : object * object -> order

val tyvar_to_ot   : string -> OpenTheoryMap.otname
val tyvar_from_ot : OpenTheoryMap.otname -> string

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

HOL 4, Trindemossen-1