Structure byteTheory

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

signature byteTheory =
  type thm = Thm.thm
  (*  Definitions  *)
    val byte_index_def : thm
    val bytes_in_word_def : thm
    val get_byte_def : thm
    val set_byte_def : thm
    val word_of_bytes_def : thm
    val word_slice_alt_def : thm
    val word_to_bytes_aux_def : thm
    val word_to_bytes_def : thm
  (*  Theorems  *)
    val DIV_not_0 : thm
    val LENGTH_words_of_bytes : thm
    val byte_index_cycle : thm
    val byte_index_offset : thm
    val bytes_to_word_def : thm
    val bytes_to_word_eq : thm
    val bytes_to_word_ind : thm
    val bytes_to_word_same : thm
    val get_byte_cycle : thm
    val get_byte_set_byte : thm
    val get_byte_set_byte_irrelevant : thm
    val set_byte_32 : thm
    val set_byte_64 : thm
    val set_byte_change_a : thm
    val set_byte_cycle : thm
    val set_byte_get_byte : thm
    val set_byte_get_byte' : thm
    val set_byte_get_byte_copy : thm
    val word_of_bytes_bytes_to_word : thm
    val word_slice_alt_shift : thm
    val word_slice_alt_word_slice : thm
    val word_slice_alt_zero : thm
    val word_slice_shift : thm
    val word_to_bytes_aux_compute : thm
    val word_to_bytes_word_of_bytes_32 : thm
    val word_to_bytes_word_of_bytes_64 : thm
    val words_of_bytes_append : thm
    val words_of_bytes_append_word : thm
    val words_of_bytes_def : thm
    val words_of_bytes_ind : thm
  val byte_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar
   [bitstring] Parent theory of "byte"
   [blast] Parent theory of "byte"
   [byte_index_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀a is_bigendian.
          byte_index a is_bigendian =
             d = dimindex (:α) DIV 8
             if is_bigendian then 8 * (d − 1 − w2n a MOD d)
             else 8 * w2n a MOD d)
   [bytes_in_word_def]  Definition
      ⊢ bytes_in_word = n2w (dimindex (:α) DIV 8)
   [get_byte_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀a w is_bigendian.
          get_byte a w is_bigendian = w2w (w ⋙ byte_index a is_bigendian)
   [set_byte_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀a b w is_bigendian.
          set_byte a b w is_bigendian =
             i = byte_index a is_bigendian
             word_slice_alt (dimindex (:α)) (i + 8) w ‖ w2w b ≪ i ‖
             word_slice_alt i 0 w)
   [word_of_bytes_def]  Definition
      ⊢ (∀be a. word_of_bytes be a [] = 0w) ∧
        ∀be a b bs.
          word_of_bytes be a (b::bs) =
          set_byte a b (word_of_bytes be (a + 1w) bs) be
   [word_slice_alt_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀h l w. word_slice_alt h l w = FCP i. l ≤ i ∧ i < h ∧ w ' i
   [word_to_bytes_aux_def]  Definition
      ⊢ (∀w be. word_to_bytes_aux 0 w be = []) ∧
        ∀n w be.
          word_to_bytes_aux (SUC n) w be =
          word_to_bytes_aux n w be ⧺ [get_byte (n2w n) w be]
   [word_to_bytes_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀w be.
          word_to_bytes w be = word_to_bytes_aux (dimindex (:α) DIV 8) w be
   [DIV_not_0]  Theorem
      ⊢ 1 < d ⇒ (d ≤ n ⇔ 0 < n DIV d)
   [LENGTH_words_of_bytes]  Theorem
      ⊢ 8 ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒
        ∀be ls.
          LENGTH (words_of_bytes be ls) =
          LENGTH ls DIV w2n bytes_in_word +
          MIN 1 (LENGTH ls MOD w2n bytes_in_word)
   [byte_index_cycle]  Theorem
      ⊢ 8 ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒
        byte_index (n2w (w2n a MOD (dimindex (:α) DIV 8))) be =
        byte_index a be
   [byte_index_offset]  Theorem
      ⊢ 8 ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒ byte_index a be + 8 ≤ dimindex (:α)
   [bytes_to_word_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀w k bs be a.
          bytes_to_word k a bs w be =
          if k = 0 then w
            case bs of
              [] => w
            | b::bs' =>
              set_byte a b (bytes_to_word (k − 1) (a + 1w) bs' w be) be
   [bytes_to_word_eq]  Theorem
      ⊢ bytes_to_word 0 a bs w be = w ∧ bytes_to_word k a [] w be = w ∧
        bytes_to_word (SUC k) a (b::bs) w be =
        set_byte a b (bytes_to_word k (a + 1w) bs w be) be
   [bytes_to_word_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀k a bs w be.
               (∀b bs'. k ≠ 0 ∧ bs = b::bs' ⇒ P (k − 1) (a + 1w) bs' w be) ⇒
               P k a bs w be) ⇒
            ∀v v1 v2 v3 v4. P v v1 v2 v3 v4
   [bytes_to_word_same]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀bw k b1 w be b2.
          (∀n. n < bw ⇒ n < LENGTH b1 ∧ n < LENGTH b2 ∧ EL n b1 = EL n b2) ⇒
          bytes_to_word bw k b1 w be = bytes_to_word bw k b2 w be
   [get_byte_cycle]  Theorem
      ⊢ 8 ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒
        get_byte (n2w (w2n a MOD (dimindex (:α) DIV 8))) w be =
        get_byte a w be
   [get_byte_set_byte]  Theorem
      ⊢ 8 ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒ get_byte a (set_byte a b w be) be = b
   [get_byte_set_byte_irrelevant]  Theorem
      ⊢ 16 ≤ dimindex (:α) ∧
        w2n a MOD (dimindex (:α) DIV 8) ≠ w2n a' MOD (dimindex (:α) DIV 8) ⇒
        get_byte a' (set_byte a b w be) be = get_byte a' w be
   [set_byte_32]  Theorem
      ⊢ set_byte a b w be =
           i = byte_index a be
           if i = 0 then w2w b ‖ w && 0xFFFFFF00w
           else if i = 8 then w2w b ≪ 8 ‖ w && 0xFFFF00FFw
           else if i = 16 then w2w b ≪ 16 ‖ w && 0xFF00FFFFw
           else w2w b ≪ 24 ‖ w && 0xFFFFFFw)
   [set_byte_64]  Theorem
      ⊢ set_byte a b w be =
           i = byte_index a be
           if i = 0 then w2w b ‖ w && 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00w
           else if i = 8 then w2w b ≪ 8 ‖ w && 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF00FFw
           else if i = 16 then w2w b ≪ 16 ‖ w && 0xFFFFFFFFFF00FFFFw
           else if i = 24 then w2w b ≪ 24 ‖ w && 0xFFFFFFFF00FFFFFFw
           else if i = 32 then w2w b ≪ 32 ‖ w && 0xFFFFFF00FFFFFFFFw
           else if i = 40 then w2w b ≪ 40 ‖ w && 0xFFFF00FFFFFFFFFFw
           else if i = 48 then w2w b ≪ 48 ‖ w && 0xFF00FFFFFFFFFFFFw
           else w2w b ≪ 56 ‖ w && 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFw)
   [set_byte_change_a]  Theorem
      ⊢ w2n a MOD (dimindex (:α) DIV 8) = w2n a' MOD (dimindex (:α) DIV 8) ⇒
        set_byte a b w be = set_byte a' b w be
   [set_byte_cycle]  Theorem
      ⊢ 8 ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒
        set_byte (n2w (w2n a MOD (dimindex (:α) DIV 8))) b w be =
        set_byte a b w be
   [set_byte_get_byte]  Theorem
      ⊢ 8 ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒ set_byte a (get_byte a w be) w be = w
   [set_byte_get_byte']  Theorem
      ⊢ 8 ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒ set_byte a (get_byte a w be) w be = w
   [set_byte_get_byte_copy]  Theorem
      ⊢ 8 ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒
        set_byte a (get_byte a w be) w' be =
        (byte_index a be + 7 '' byte_index a be) w ‖
        (if byte_index a be + 8 = dimindex (:α) then 0w
         else (dimindex (:α) − 1 '' byte_index a be + 8) w') ‖
        if byte_index a be = 0 then 0w else (byte_index a be − 1 '' 0) w'
   [word_of_bytes_bytes_to_word]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀be a bs k.
          LENGTH bs ≤ k ⇒
          word_of_bytes be a bs = bytes_to_word k a bs 0w be
   [word_slice_alt_shift]  Theorem
      ⊢ h ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒
        word_slice_alt h l w =
        w ⋙ l ≪ l ≪ (dimindex (:α) − h) ⋙ (dimindex (:α) − h)
   [word_slice_alt_word_slice]  Theorem
      ⊢ h ≤ dimindex (:α) ⇒ word_slice_alt (SUC h) l w = (h '' l) w
   [word_slice_alt_zero]  Theorem
      ⊢ word_slice_alt h l 0w = 0w
   [word_slice_shift]  Theorem
      ⊢ h < dimindex (:α) ⇒
        (h '' l) w =
        w ⋙ l ≪ l ≪ (dimindex (:α) − SUC h) ⋙ (dimindex (:α) − SUC h)
   [word_to_bytes_aux_compute]  Theorem
      ⊢ (∀w be. word_to_bytes_aux 0 w be = []) ∧
        (∀n w be.
           word_to_bytes_aux (NUMERAL (BIT1 n)) w be =
           word_to_bytes_aux (NUMERAL (BIT1 n) − 1) w be ⧺
           [get_byte (n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 n) − 1)) w be]) ∧
        ∀n w be.
          word_to_bytes_aux (NUMERAL (BIT2 n)) w be =
          word_to_bytes_aux (NUMERAL (BIT1 n)) w be ⧺
          [get_byte (n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 n))) w be]
   [word_to_bytes_word_of_bytes_32]  Theorem
      ⊢ word_of_bytes be 0w (word_to_bytes w be) = w
   [word_to_bytes_word_of_bytes_64]  Theorem
      ⊢ word_of_bytes be 0w (word_to_bytes w be) = w
   [words_of_bytes_append]  Theorem
      ⊢ 0 < w2n bytes_in_word ⇒
        ∀l1 l2.
          LENGTH l1 MOD w2n bytes_in_word = 0 ⇒
          words_of_bytes be (l1 ⧺ l2) =
          words_of_bytes be l1 ⧺ words_of_bytes be l2
   [words_of_bytes_append_word]  Theorem
      ⊢ 0 < LENGTH l1 ∧ LENGTH l1 = w2n bytes_in_word ⇒
        words_of_bytes be (l1 ⧺ l2) =
        word_of_bytes be 0w l1::words_of_bytes be l2
   [words_of_bytes_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ (∀be. words_of_bytes be [] = []) ∧
        ∀v3 v2 be.
          words_of_bytes be (v2::v3) =
             xs = TAKE (MAX 1 (w2n bytes_in_word)) (v2::v3);
             ys = DROP (MAX 1 (w2n bytes_in_word)) (v2::v3)
             word_of_bytes be 0w xs::words_of_bytes be ys)
   [words_of_bytes_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀be. P be []) ∧
            (∀be v2 v3.
               (∀xs ys.
                  xs = TAKE (MAX 1 (w2n bytes_in_word)) (v2::v3) ∧
                  ys = DROP (MAX 1 (w2n bytes_in_word)) (v2::v3) ⇒
                  P be ys) ⇒
               P be (v2::v3)) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

HOL 4, Trindemossen-1