Structure cv_primTheory

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

signature cv_primTheory =
  type thm = Thm.thm
  (*  Definitions  *)
    val cv_abs_def : thm
    val cv_int_add_def : thm
    val cv_int_div_def : thm
    val cv_int_lt_def : thm
    val cv_int_mul_def : thm
    val cv_int_neg_def : thm
    val cv_max_def : thm
    val cv_min_def : thm
    val cv_rat_add_def : thm
    val cv_rat_lt_def : thm
    val cv_rat_mul_def : thm
    val cv_rat_neg_def : thm
    val cv_rat_norm_def : thm
    val cv_rat_reciprocal_def : thm
    val cv_word_and_def : thm
    val cv_word_lt_def : thm
    val cv_word_or_def : thm
    val cv_word_sub_def : thm
    val cv_word_xor_def : thm
    val total_int_div_def : thm
  (*  Theorems  *)
    val BITWISE : thm
    val BITWISE_ADD : thm
    val cv_Num : thm
    val cv_chr_thm : thm
    val cv_gcd_def : thm
    val cv_gcd_ind : thm
    val cv_gcd_thm : thm
    val cv_inline_imp : thm
    val cv_inline_v2n : thm
    val cv_inline_v2w : thm
    val cv_inline_w2i : thm
    val cv_inline_w2v : thm
    val cv_inline_word_log2 : thm
    val cv_inline_word_ror : thm
    val cv_inline_word_sw2sw : thm
    val cv_int_add : thm
    val cv_int_div : thm
    val cv_int_ge : thm
    val cv_int_gt : thm
    val cv_int_le : thm
    val cv_int_lt : thm
    val cv_int_mul : thm
    val cv_int_of_num : thm
    val cv_int_sub : thm
    val cv_log2_def : thm
    val cv_log2_ind : thm
    val cv_max_thm : thm
    val cv_min_thm : thm
    val cv_neg_int : thm
    val cv_ord_thm : thm
    val cv_rat_add : thm
    val cv_rat_div : thm
    val cv_rat_ge : thm
    val cv_rat_gt : thm
    val cv_rat_le : thm
    val cv_rat_lt : thm
    val cv_rat_mul : thm
    val cv_rat_neg : thm
    val cv_rat_norm_div_gcd : thm
    val cv_rat_of_int : thm
    val cv_rat_reciprocal : thm
    val cv_rat_sub : thm
    val cv_rep_F : thm
    val cv_rep_LOG2 : thm
    val cv_rep_T : thm
    val cv_rep_add : thm
    val cv_rep_and : thm
    val cv_rep_arb : thm
    val cv_rep_dimindex : thm
    val cv_rep_div : thm
    val cv_rep_eq : thm
    val cv_rep_even : thm
    val cv_rep_exp : thm
    val cv_rep_if : thm
    val cv_rep_le : thm
    val cv_rep_let : thm
    val cv_rep_lt : thm
    val cv_rep_mod : thm
    val cv_rep_mul : thm
    val cv_rep_not : thm
    val cv_rep_num_case : thm
    val cv_rep_odd : thm
    val cv_rep_or : thm
    val cv_rep_sub : thm
    val cv_rep_sub1 : thm
    val cv_rep_suc : thm
    val cv_rep_word_add : thm
    val cv_rep_word_and : thm
    val cv_rep_word_div : thm
    val cv_rep_word_lsl : thm
    val cv_rep_word_lsr : thm
    val cv_rep_word_mod : thm
    val cv_rep_word_msb : thm
    val cv_rep_word_mul : thm
    val cv_rep_word_n2w : thm
    val cv_rep_word_neg : thm
    val cv_rep_word_not : thm
    val cv_rep_word_or : thm
    val cv_rep_word_sub : thm
    val cv_rep_word_uint_max : thm
    val cv_rep_word_w2n : thm
    val cv_rep_word_w2w : thm
    val cv_rep_word_xor : thm
    val cv_word_and_loop_def : thm
    val cv_word_and_loop_ind : thm
    val cv_word_and_loop_thm : thm
    val cv_word_bit_thm : thm
    val cv_word_bits_thm : thm
    val cv_word_concat_thm : thm
    val cv_word_extract : thm
    val cv_word_ge_thm : thm
    val cv_word_gt_thm : thm
    val cv_word_hi_thm : thm
    val cv_word_hs_thm : thm
    val cv_word_join_thm : thm
    val cv_word_le_thm : thm
    val cv_word_lo_thm : thm
    val cv_word_ls_thm : thm
    val cv_word_lt_thm : thm
    val cv_word_or_loop_def : thm
    val cv_word_or_loop_ind : thm
    val cv_word_or_loop_thm : thm
    val cv_word_slice_thm : thm
    val cv_word_xor_loop_def : thm
    val cv_word_xor_loop_ind : thm
    val cv_word_xor_loop_thm : thm
    val total_int_div : thm
    val v2n_custom_def : thm
    val v2n_custom_ind : thm
    val v2n_custom_thm : thm
    val word_asr_add : thm
  val cv_prim_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar
   [bitstring] Parent theory of "cv_prim"
   [cv_rep] Parent theory of "cv_prim"
   [integer_word] Parent theory of "cv_prim"
   [cv_abs_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀i. cv_abs i = cv_if (cv_ispair i) (cv_fst i) i
   [cv_int_add_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀i j.
          cv_int_add i j =
          cv_if (cv_ispair i)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair j)
               (Pair (cv_add (cv_fst i) (cv_fst j)) (Num 0))
               (cv_if (cv_int_lt j (cv_fst i))
                  (Pair (cv_sub (cv_fst i) j) (Num 0))
                  (cv_sub j (cv_fst i))))
            (cv_if (cv_ispair j)
               (cv_if (cv_int_lt i (cv_fst j))
                  (Pair (cv_sub (cv_fst j) i) (Num 0))
                  (cv_sub i (cv_fst j))) (cv_add i j))
   [cv_int_div_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀i j.
          cv_int_div i j =
          cv_if (cv_eq j (Num 0)) (Num 0)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair j)
               (cv_if (cv_ispair i) (cv_div (cv_fst i) (cv_fst j))
                  (cv_int_add (Pair (cv_div i (cv_fst j)) (Num 0))
                     (cv_if (cv_mod i (cv_fst j)) (Pair (Num 1) (Num 0))
                        (Num 0))))
               (cv_if (cv_ispair i)
                  (cv_int_add (Pair (cv_div (cv_fst i) j) (Num 0))
                     (cv_if (cv_mod (cv_fst i) j) (Pair (Num 1) (Num 0))
                        (Num 0))) (cv_div i j)))
   [cv_int_lt_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀i j.
          cv_int_lt i j =
          cv_if (cv_ispair i)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair j) (cv_lt (cv_abs j) (cv_abs i)) (Num 1))
            (cv_if (cv_ispair j) (Num 0) (cv_lt i j))
   [cv_int_mul_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀i j.
          cv_int_mul i j =
          cv_if (cv_eq i (Num 0)) (Num 0)
            (cv_if (cv_eq j (Num 0)) (Num 0)
               (cv_if (cv_ispair i)
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair j) (cv_mul (cv_fst i) (cv_fst j))
                     (Pair (cv_mul (cv_fst i) j) (Num 0)))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair j) (Pair (cv_mul i (cv_fst j)) (Num 0))
                     (cv_mul i j))))
   [cv_int_neg_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀x. cv_int_neg x =
            cv_if (cv_eq x (Num 0)) x
              (cv_if (cv_ispair x) (cv_fst x) (Pair x (Num 0)))
   [cv_max_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀x y. cv_max x y = cv_if (cv_lt x y) y x
   [cv_min_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀x y. cv_min x y = cv_if (cv_lt x y) x y
   [cv_rat_add_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀r1 r2.
          cv_rat_add r1 r2 =
               (cv_int_add (cv_int_mul (cv_fst r1) (cv_snd r2))
                  (cv_int_mul (cv_fst r2) (cv_snd r1)))
               (cv_mul (cv_snd r1) (cv_snd r2)))
   [cv_rat_lt_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀r1 r2.
          cv_rat_lt r1 r2 =
          cv_int_lt (cv_int_mul (cv_fst r1) (cv_snd r2))
            (cv_int_mul (cv_fst r2) (cv_snd r1))
   [cv_rat_mul_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀r1 r2.
          cv_rat_mul r1 r2 =
            (Pair (cv_int_mul (cv_fst r1) (cv_fst r2))
               (cv_mul (cv_snd r1) (cv_snd r2)))
   [cv_rat_neg_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀r. cv_rat_neg r = Pair (cv_int_neg (cv_fst r)) (cv_snd r)
   [cv_rat_norm_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀r. cv_rat_norm r =
               d = cv_gcd (cv_abs (cv_fst r)) (cv_snd r)
               cv_if (cv_lt d (Num 2)) r
                 (Pair (cv_int_div (cv_fst r) d) (cv_div (cv_snd r) d)))
   [cv_rat_reciprocal_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀r. cv_rat_reciprocal r =
            cv_if (cv_int_lt (cv_fst r) (Num 0))
              (Pair (Pair (cv_snd r) (Num 0)) (cv_fst (cv_fst r)))
              (Pair (cv_snd r) (cv_fst r))
   [cv_word_and_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀x y.
          cv_word_and x y =
          cv_if (cv_lt x y) (cv_word_and_loop x y) (cv_word_and_loop y x)
   [cv_word_lt_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀w1 w2 msb1 msb2.
          cv_word_lt w1 w2 msb1 msb2 =
          cv_if (cv_eq msb1 msb2) (cv_lt w1 w2)
            (cv_if msb1 (Num 1) (cv_sub (Num 1) msb2))
   [cv_word_or_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀x y.
          cv_word_or x y =
          cv_if (cv_lt x y) (cv_word_or_loop x y) (cv_word_or_loop y x)
   [cv_word_sub_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀x y d.
          cv_word_sub x y d =
          cv_if (cv_lt x y) (cv_sub (cv_add x d) y) (cv_sub x y)
   [cv_word_xor_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀x y.
          cv_word_xor x y =
          cv_if (cv_lt x y) (cv_word_xor_loop x y) (cv_word_xor_loop y x)
   [total_int_div_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀i j. total_int_div i j = if j = 0 then 0 else i / j
   [BITWISE]  Theorem
      ⊢ BITWISE 0 b m n = 0 ∧
        BITWISE (SUC k) b m n =
        (if b (ODD m) (ODD n) then 1 else 0) +
        2 * BITWISE k b (m DIV 2) (n DIV 2)
   [BITWISE_ADD]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀l k m n b.
          BITWISE (l + k) b m n =
          BITWISE l b m n +
          BITWISE k b (m DIV 2 ** l) (n DIV 2 ** l) * 2 ** l
   [cv_Num]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (Num i) = cv_abs (from_int i)
   [cv_chr_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ n < 256 ⇒ from_char (CHR n) = Num n
   [cv_gcd_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀b a. cv_gcd a b = cv_if a (cv_gcd (cv_mod b a) a) b
   [cv_gcd_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀a b. (c2b a ⇒ P (cv_mod b a) a) ⇒ P a b) ⇒ ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_gcd_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (gcd a b) = cv_gcd (Num a) (Num b)
   [cv_inline_imp]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (a ⇒ b) = cv_if (b2c a) (b2c b) (Num 1)
   [cv_inline_v2n]  Theorem
      ⊢ v2n = v2n_custom 0
   [cv_inline_v2w]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀v. v2w v = n2w (v2n_custom 0 v)
   [cv_inline_w2i]  Theorem
      ⊢ w2i w = (let v = w in if word_msb v then -&w2n (-v) else &w2n v)
   [cv_inline_w2v]  Theorem
      ⊢ w2v w =
        (let d = dimindex (:α) in GENLIST (λi. word_bit (d − 1 − i) w) d)
   [cv_inline_word_log2]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀w. word_log2 w = n2w (LOG2 (w2n w))
   [cv_inline_word_ror]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀r a.
          a ⇄ r =
             a = a;
             d = dimindex (:α);
             r = r MOD d
             a ≪ (d − r) ‖ a ⋙ r)
   [cv_inline_word_sw2sw]  Theorem
      ⊢ sw2sw w =
           v = w
           (if word_msb v then -1w ≪ dimindex (:α) else 0w) + w2w v)
   [cv_int_add]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_int (i + j) = cv_int_add (from_int i) (from_int j)
   [cv_int_div]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_int (total_int_div i j) = cv_int_div (from_int i) (from_int j)
   [cv_int_ge]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (i ≥ j) =
        cv_if (cv_int_lt (from_int i) (from_int j)) (Num 0) (Num 1)
   [cv_int_gt]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (i > j) = cv_int_lt (from_int j) (from_int i)
   [cv_int_le]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (i ≤ j) =
        cv_if (cv_int_lt (from_int j) (from_int i)) (Num 0) (Num 1)
   [cv_int_lt]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (i < j) = cv_int_lt (from_int i) (from_int j)
   [cv_int_mul]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_int (i * j) = cv_int_mul (from_int i) (from_int j)
   [cv_int_of_num]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_int (&n) = Num n
   [cv_int_sub]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_int (i − j) =
        cv_int_add (from_int i) (cv_int_neg (from_int j))
   [cv_log2_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀n acc.
          cv_log2 acc n =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) n)
            (cv_log2 (cv_add acc (Num 1)) (cv_div n (Num 2))) acc
   [cv_log2_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀acc n.
               (c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) n) ⇒
                P (cv_add acc (Num 1)) (cv_div n (Num 2))) ⇒
               P acc n) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_max_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (MAX m n) = cv_max (Num m) (Num n)
   [cv_min_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (MIN m n) = cv_min (Num m) (Num n)
   [cv_neg_int]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_int (-x) = cv_int_neg (from_int x)
   [cv_ord_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (ORD c) = from_char c
   [cv_rat_add]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_rat (r1 + r2) = cv_rat_add (from_rat r1) (from_rat r2)
   [cv_rat_div]  Theorem
      ⊢ r2 ≠ 0 ⇒
        from_rat (r1 / r2) =
        cv_rat_mul (from_rat r1) (cv_rat_reciprocal (from_rat r2))
   [cv_rat_ge]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (r1 ≥ r2) =
        cv_if (cv_rat_lt (from_rat r1) (from_rat r2)) (Num 0) (Num 1)
   [cv_rat_gt]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (r1 > r2) = cv_rat_lt (from_rat r2) (from_rat r1)
   [cv_rat_le]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (r1 ≤ r2) =
        cv_if (cv_rat_lt (from_rat r2) (from_rat r1)) (Num 0) (Num 1)
   [cv_rat_lt]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (r1 < r2) = cv_rat_lt (from_rat r1) (from_rat r2)
   [cv_rat_mul]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_rat (r1 * r2) = cv_rat_mul (from_rat r1) (from_rat r2)
   [cv_rat_neg]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_rat (-r) = cv_rat_neg (from_rat r)
   [cv_rat_norm_div_gcd]  Theorem
      ⊢ (λ(x,y). Pair (from_int x) (Num y)) (div_gcd a b) =
        cv_rat_norm (Pair (from_int a) (Num b))
   [cv_rat_of_int]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_rat (rat_of_int i) = Pair (from_int i) (Num 1)
   [cv_rat_reciprocal]  Theorem
      ⊢ r ≠ 0 ⇒ from_rat (rat_minv r) = cv_rat_reciprocal (from_rat r)
   [cv_rat_sub]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_rat (r1 − r2) =
        cv_rat_add (from_rat r1) (cv_rat_neg (from_rat r2))
   [cv_rep_F]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c F = Num 0
   [cv_rep_LOG2]  Theorem
      ⊢ n ≠ 0 ⇒ Num (LOG2 n) = cv_log2 (Num 0) (Num n)
   [cv_rep_T]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c T = Num 1
   [cv_rep_add]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (n + m) = cv_add (Num n) (Num m)
   [cv_rep_and]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (b1 ∧ b2) = cv_if (b2c b1) (b2c b2) (Num 0)
   [cv_rep_arb]  Theorem
      ⊢ F ⇒ f ARB = Num 0
   [cv_rep_dimindex]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (dimindex (:α)) = Num (dimindex (:α))
   [cv_rep_div]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (n DIV m) = cv_div (Num n) (Num m)
   [cv_rep_eq]  Theorem
      ⊢ cv_rep p1 c1 f x ∧ cv_rep p2 c2 f y ∧ from_to f t ⇒
        cv_rep (p1 ∧ p2) (cv_eq c1 c2) b2c (x = y)
   [cv_rep_even]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (EVEN n) = cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod (Num n) (Num 2))
   [cv_rep_exp]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (n ** m) = cv_exp (Num n) (Num m)
   [cv_rep_if]  Theorem
      ⊢ cv_rep p1 c1 b2c b ∧ cv_rep p2 c2 f t ∧ cv_rep p3 c3 f e ⇒
        cv_rep (p1 ∧ (b ⇒ p2) ∧ (¬b ⇒ p3)) (cv_if c1 c2 c3) f
          (if b then t else e)
   [cv_rep_le]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (n ≤ m) = cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_lt (Num m) (Num n))
   [cv_rep_let]  Theorem
      ⊢ cv_rep p1 c1 a x ∧ (∀v. cv_rep (p2 v) (c2 (a v)) b (y v)) ⇒
        cv_rep (p1 ∧ ∀v. v = x ⇒ p2 v) (LET c2 c1) b (LET y x)
   [cv_rep_lt]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (n < m) = cv_lt (Num n) (Num m)
   [cv_rep_mod]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (n MOD m) = cv_mod (Num n) (Num m)
   [cv_rep_mul]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (n * m) = cv_mul (Num n) (Num m)
   [cv_rep_not]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (¬b1) = cv_sub (Num 1) (b2c b1)
   [cv_rep_num_case]  Theorem
      ⊢ cv_rep p1 c1 Num x ∧ cv_rep p2 c2 a y ∧
        (∀v. cv_rep (p3 v) (c3 (Num v)) a (z v)) ⇒
        cv_rep (p1 ∧ (x = 0 ⇒ p2) ∧ ∀n. x = SUC n ⇒ p3 n)
          (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) c1) (let y = cv_sub c1 (Num 1) in c3 y) c2)
          a (num_CASE x y z)
   [cv_rep_odd]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (ODD n) = cv_mod (Num n) (Num 2)
   [cv_rep_or]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (b1 ∨ b2) = cv_if (b2c b1) (Num 1) (b2c b2)
   [cv_rep_sub]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (n − m) = cv_sub (Num n) (Num m)
   [cv_rep_sub1]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (PRE n) = cv_sub (Num n) (Num 1)
   [cv_rep_suc]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (SUC n) = cv_add (Num n) (Num 1)
   [cv_rep_word_add]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w1 + w2) =
        cv_mod (cv_add (from_word w1) (from_word w2)) (Num (dimword (:α)))
   [cv_rep_word_and]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w1 && w2) = cv_word_and (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
   [cv_rep_word_div]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w1 // w2) = cv_div (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
   [cv_rep_word_lsl]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w ≪ n) =
        cv_mod (cv_mul (from_word w) (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num n)))
          (Num (2 ** dimindex (:α)))
   [cv_rep_word_lsr]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w ⋙ n) = cv_div (from_word w) (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num n))
   [cv_rep_word_mod]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (word_mod w1 w2) = cv_mod (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
   [cv_rep_word_msb]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (word_msb w) =
        cv_div (from_word w) (Num (2 ** (dimindex (:α) − 1)))
   [cv_rep_word_mul]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w1 * w2) =
        cv_mod (cv_mul (from_word w1) (from_word w2)) (Num (dimword (:α)))
   [cv_rep_word_n2w]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (n2w n) = cv_mod (Num n) (Num (2 ** dimindex (:α)))
   [cv_rep_word_neg]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (-w1) =
        cv_word_sub (Num 0) (from_word w1) (Num (dimword (:α)))
   [cv_rep_word_not]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (¬w) =
        cv_word_xor (from_word w) (Num (2 ** dimindex (:α) − 1))
   [cv_rep_word_or]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w1 ‖ w2) = cv_word_or (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
   [cv_rep_word_sub]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w1 − w2) =
        cv_word_sub (from_word w1) (from_word w2) (Num (dimword (:α)))
   [cv_rep_word_uint_max]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word UINT_MAXw = Num (2 ** dimindex (:α) − 1)
   [cv_rep_word_w2n]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (w2n w) = from_word w
   [cv_rep_word_w2w]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w2w w) =
        if dimindex (:α) ≤ dimindex (:β) then from_word w
        else cv_mod (from_word w) (Num (2 ** dimindex (:β)))
   [cv_rep_word_xor]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word (w1 ⊕ w2) = cv_word_xor (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
   [cv_word_and_loop_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀y x.
          cv_word_and_loop x y =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) x)
               (cv_mul (Num 2)
                  (cv_word_and_loop (cv_div x (Num 2)) (cv_div y (Num 2))))
               (cv_div (cv_add (cv_mod x (Num 2)) (cv_mod y (Num 2)))
                  (Num 2))) (Num 0)
   [cv_word_and_loop_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀x y.
               (c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) x) ⇒
                P (cv_div x (Num 2)) (cv_div y (Num 2))) ⇒
               P x y) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_word_and_loop_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀m n.
          m ≤ n ∧ n < dimword (:α) ⇒
          cv_word_and_loop (Num m) (Num n) = Num (w2n (n2w m && n2w n))
   [cv_word_bit_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (word_bit b w) =
        cv_mod (cv_div (from_word w) (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num b))) (Num 2)
   [cv_word_bits_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word ((h -- l) w) =
          (cv_mod (from_word w)
             (cv_exp (Num 2)
                (cv_min (cv_add (Num h) (Num 1)) (Num (dimindex (:α))))))
          (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num l))
   [cv_word_concat_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ FINITE 𝕌(:α) ∧ FINITE 𝕌(:β) ⇒
        from_word (w1 @@ w2) =
        if dimindex (:α) + dimindex (:β) ≤ dimindex (:γ) then
            (cv_mul (from_word w1) (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num (dimindex (:β)))))
            (from_word w2)
               (cv_mul (from_word w1)
                  (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num (dimindex (:β))))) (from_word w2))
            (Num (2 ** dimindex (:γ)))
   [cv_word_extract]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word ((h >< l) w) =
        if dimindex (:α) ≤ dimindex (:β) then
            (cv_mod (from_word w)
               (cv_exp (Num 2)
                  (cv_min (cv_add (Num h) (Num 1)) (Num (dimindex (:α))))))
            (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num l))
               (cv_mod (from_word w)
                  (cv_exp (Num 2)
                     (cv_min (cv_add (Num h) (Num 1)) (Num (dimindex (:α))))))
               (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num l))) (Num (2 ** dimindex (:β)))
   [cv_word_ge_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (w1 ≥ w2) =
        cv_sub (Num 1)
          (cv_word_lt (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
             (cv_div (from_word w1) (Num (2 ** (dimindex (:α) − 1))))
             (cv_div (from_word w2) (Num (2 ** (dimindex (:α) − 1)))))
   [cv_word_gt_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (w2 > w1) =
        cv_word_lt (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
          (cv_div (from_word w1) (Num (2 ** (dimindex (:α) − 1))))
          (cv_div (from_word w2) (Num (2 ** (dimindex (:α) − 1))))
   [cv_word_hi_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (w2 >₊ w1) = cv_lt (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
   [cv_word_hs_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (w1 ≥₊ w2) =
        cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_lt (from_word w1) (from_word w2))
   [cv_word_join_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ FINITE 𝕌(:α) ∧ FINITE 𝕌(:β) ⇒
        from_word (word_join w1 w2) =
          (cv_mul (from_word w1) (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num (dimindex (:β)))))
          (from_word w2)
   [cv_word_le_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (w2 ≤ w1) =
        cv_sub (Num 1)
          (cv_word_lt (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
             (cv_div (from_word w1) (Num (2 ** (dimindex (:α) − 1))))
             (cv_div (from_word w2) (Num (2 ** (dimindex (:α) − 1)))))
   [cv_word_lo_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (w1 <₊ w2) = cv_lt (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
   [cv_word_ls_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (w1 ≤₊ w2) =
        cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_lt (from_word w2) (from_word w1))
   [cv_word_lt_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (w1 < w2) =
        cv_word_lt (from_word w1) (from_word w2)
          (cv_div (from_word w1) (Num (2 ** (dimindex (:α) − 1))))
          (cv_div (from_word w2) (Num (2 ** (dimindex (:α) − 1))))
   [cv_word_or_loop_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀y x.
          cv_word_or_loop x y =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) x)
               (cv_mul (Num 2)
                  (cv_word_or_loop (cv_div x (Num 2)) (cv_div y (Num 2))))
               (cv_max (cv_mod x (Num 2)) (cv_mod y (Num 2)))) y
   [cv_word_or_loop_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀x y.
               (c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) x) ⇒
                P (cv_div x (Num 2)) (cv_div y (Num 2))) ⇒
               P x y) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_word_or_loop_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀m n.
          m ≤ n ∧ n < dimword (:α) ⇒
          cv_word_or_loop (Num m) (Num n) = Num (w2n (n2w m ‖ n2w n))
   [cv_word_slice_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_word ((h '' l) w) =
                (cv_mod (from_word w)
                   (cv_exp (Num 2)
                      (cv_min (cv_add (Num h) (Num 1))
                         (Num (dimindex (:α)))))) (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num l)))
             (cv_exp (Num 2) (Num l))) (Num (dimword (:α)))
   [cv_word_xor_loop_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀y x.
          cv_word_xor_loop x y =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) x)
               (cv_mul (Num 2)
                  (cv_word_xor_loop (cv_div x (Num 2)) (cv_div y (Num 2))))
               (cv_mod (cv_add (cv_mod x (Num 2)) (cv_mod y (Num 2)))
                  (Num 2))) y
   [cv_word_xor_loop_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀x y.
               (c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) x) ⇒
                P (cv_div x (Num 2)) (cv_div y (Num 2))) ⇒
               P x y) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_word_xor_loop_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀m n.
          m ≤ n ∧ n < dimword (:α) ⇒
          cv_word_xor_loop (Num m) (Num n) = Num (w2n (n2w m ⊕ n2w n))
   [total_int_div]  Theorem
      ⊢ total_int_div i j =
        if j = 0 then 0
        else if j < 0 then
          if i < 0 then &(Num i DIV Num j)
          else -&(Num i DIV Num j) + if Num i MOD Num j = 0 then 0 else -1
        else if i < 0 then
          -&(Num i DIV Num j) + if Num i MOD Num j = 0 then 0 else -1
        else &(Num i DIV Num j)
   [v2n_custom_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ (∀acc. v2n_custom acc [] = acc) ∧
        (∀rest acc.
           v2n_custom acc (T::rest) = v2n_custom (2 * acc + 1) rest) ∧
        ∀rest acc. v2n_custom acc (F::rest) = v2n_custom (2 * acc) rest
   [v2n_custom_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀acc. P acc []) ∧
            (∀acc rest. P (2 * acc + 1) rest ⇒ P acc (T::rest)) ∧
            (∀acc rest. P (2 * acc) rest ⇒ P acc (F::rest)) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [v2n_custom_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ v2n_custom 0 = v2n
   [word_asr_add]  Theorem
      ⊢ w ≫ n =
           x = w
           if word_msb x then
             (dimindex (:α) − 1 '' dimindex (:α) − n) UINT_MAXw + x ⋙ n
           else x ⋙ n)

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HOL 4, Trindemossen-1