Structure extended_emitTheory

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signature extended_emitTheory =
  type thm = Thm.thm
  (*  Definitions  *)
    val BAG_VAL_DEF : thm
    val LLCONS_def : thm
    val llcases_def : thm
  (*  Theorems  *)
    val BAG_DIFF_EQNS : thm
    val BAG_INTER_EQNS : thm
    val BAG_MERGE_EQNS : thm
    val SUB_BAG_EQNS : thm
  val extended_emit_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar
   [bag] Parent theory of "extended_emit"
   [basis_emit] Parent theory of "extended_emit"
   [llist] Parent theory of "extended_emit"
   [patricia_casts] Parent theory of "extended_emit"
   [state_transformer] Parent theory of "extended_emit"
   [BAG_VAL_DEF]  Definition
      |- !b x. BAG_VAL b x = b x
   [LLCONS_def]  Definition
      |- !h t. LLCONS h t = h:::t ()
   [llcases_def]  Definition
      |- !n c l.
           l = [||] /\ llcases n c l = n \/
           ?h t. l = h:::t /\ llcases n c l = c (h,t)
   [BAG_DIFF_EQNS]  Theorem
      |- (!b. b - {||} = b) /\ (!b. {||} - b = {||}) /\
         (!x b y.
            BAG_INSERT x b - {|y|} =
            if x = y then b else BAG_INSERT x (b - {|y|})) /\
         !b1 y b2. b1 - BAG_INSERT y b2 = b1 - {|y|} - b2
   [BAG_INTER_EQNS]  Theorem
      |- (!b. BAG_INTER {||} b = {||}) /\ (!b. BAG_INTER b {||} = {||}) /\
         !x b1 b2.
           BAG_INTER (BAG_INSERT x b1) b2 =
           if x <: b2 then BAG_INSERT x (BAG_INTER b1 (b2 - {|x|}))
           else BAG_INTER b1 b2
   [BAG_MERGE_EQNS]  Theorem
      |- (!b. BAG_MERGE {||} b = b) /\ (!b. BAG_MERGE b {||} = b) /\
         !x b1 b2.
           BAG_MERGE (BAG_INSERT x b1) b2 =
           BAG_INSERT x (BAG_MERGE b1 (b2 - {|x|}))
   [SUB_BAG_EQNS]  Theorem
      |- (!b. {||} <= b <=> T) /\
         !x b1 b2. BAG_INSERT x b1 <= b2 <=> x <: b2 /\ b1 <= b2 - {|x|}

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

HOL 4, Trindemossen-1