val SAT_PROVE : Term.term -> Thm.thm
Proves that the supplied term is a tautology, or provides a counterexample.
The supplied term should be purely propositional, i.e., atoms must be Boolean variables or constants, and conditionals must be Boolean-valued. SAT_PROVE uses the MiniSat SAT solver’s proof logging feature to construct and verify a resolution refutation for the negation of the supplied term.
Fails if the supplied term is not a tautology. In this case, a theorem providing a satisfying assignment for the negation of the input term is returned, wrapped in an exception.
- load "HolSatLib"; open HolSatLib;
(* output omitted *)
> val it = () : unit
- SAT_PROVE ``(a ==> b) /\ (b ==> a) ==> (a=b)``;
> val it = |- (a ==> b) /\ (b ==> a) ==> (a = b) : thm
- SAT_PROVE ``~((a ==> b) /\ (b ==> a) ==> (a=b))`` 
	handle HolSatLib.SAT_cex th => th;
> val it = |- ~b /\ a ==> ~~((a ==> b) /\ (b ==> a) ==> (a = b)) : thm
If MiniSat terminates abnormally, or if the MiniSat binary cannot be located or executed, SAT_PROVE falls back to a slower propositional tautology prover implemented in SML. For low-level use of SAT solver facilities and other details, see the section on the HolSat library in the HOL Description.
HOL  Kananaskis-10