A structure that restores a record-style environment for term manipulation.
If one has opened the Psyntax structure, one can open the Rsyntax structure to get record-style functions back.

Each function in the Rsyntax structure has a corresponding function in the Psyntax structure, and vice versa. One can flip-flop between the two structures by opening one and then the other. One can also use long identifiers in order to use both syntaxes at once.

Never fails.
The following shows how to open the Rsyntax structure and the functions that subsequently become available in the top level environment. Documentation for each of these functions is available online.
   - open Rsyntax;
   open Rsyntax
   val INST = fn : term subst -> thm -> thm
   val INST_TYPE = fn : hol_type subst -> thm -> thm
   val INST_TY_TERM = fn : term subst * hol_type subst -> thm -> thm
   val SUBST = fn : {thm:thm, var:term} list -> term -> thm -> thm
   val SUBST_CONV = fn : {thm:thm, var:term} list -> term -> term -> thm
   val define_new_type_bijections = fn
     : {ABS:string, REP:string, name:string, tyax:thm} -> thm
   val dest_abs = fn : term -> {Body:term, Bvar:term}
   val dest_comb = fn : term -> {Rand:term, Rator:term}
   val dest_cond = fn : term -> {cond:term, larm:term, rarm:term}
   val dest_conj = fn : term -> {conj1:term, conj2:term}
   val dest_cons = fn : term -> {hd:term, tl:term}
   val dest_const = fn : term -> {Name:string, Ty:hol_type}
   val dest_disj = fn : term -> {disj1:term, disj2:term}
   val dest_eq = fn : term -> {lhs:term, rhs:term}
   val dest_exists = fn : term -> {Body:term, Bvar:term}
   val dest_forall = fn : term -> {Body:term, Bvar:term}
   val dest_imp = fn : term -> {ant:term, conseq:term}
   val dest_let = fn : term -> {arg:term, func:term}
   val dest_list = fn : term -> {els:term list, ty:hol_type}
   val dest_pabs = fn : term -> {body:term, varstruct:term}
   val dest_pair = fn : term -> {fst:term, snd:term}
   val dest_select = fn : term -> {Body:term, Bvar:term}
   val dest_type = fn : hol_type -> {Args:hol_type list, Tyop:string}
   val dest_var = fn : term -> {Name:string, Ty:hol_type}
   val inst = fn : hol_type subst -> term -> term
   val match_term = fn : term -> term -> term subst * hol_type subst
   val match_type = fn : hol_type -> hol_type -> hol_type subst
   val mk_abs = fn : {Body:term, Bvar:term} -> term
   val mk_comb = fn : {Rand:term, Rator:term} -> term
   val mk_cond = fn : {cond:term, larm:term, rarm:term} -> term
   val mk_conj = fn : {conj1:term, conj2:term} -> term
   val mk_cons = fn : {hd:term, tl:term} -> term
   val mk_const = fn : {Name:string, Ty:hol_type} -> term
   val mk_disj = fn : {disj1:term, disj2:term} -> term
   val mk_eq = fn : {lhs:term, rhs:term} -> term
   val mk_exists = fn : {Body:term, Bvar:term} -> term
   val mk_forall = fn : {Body:term, Bvar:term} -> term
   val mk_imp = fn : {ant:term, conseq:term} -> term
   val mk_let = fn : {arg:term, func:term} -> term
   val mk_list = fn : {els:term list, ty:hol_type} -> term
   val mk_pabs = fn : {body:term, varstruct:term} -> term
   val mk_pair = fn : {fst:term, snd:term} -> term
   val mk_primed_var = fn : {Name:string, Ty:hol_type} -> term
   val mk_select = fn : {Body:term, Bvar:term} -> term
   val mk_type = fn : {Args:hol_type list, Tyop:string} -> hol_type
   val mk_var = fn : {Name:string, Ty:hol_type} -> term
   val new_binder = fn : {Name:string, Ty:hol_type} -> unit
   val new_constant = fn : {Name:string, Ty:hol_type} -> unit
   val new_infix = fn : {Name:string, Prec:int, Ty:hol_type} -> unit
   val new_recursive_definition = fn
     : {def:term, fixity:fixity, name:string, rec_axiom:thm} -> thm
   val new_specification = fn
     : {consts:{const_name:string, fixity:fixity} list,
        name:string, sat_thm:thm}
       -> thm
   val new_type = fn : {Arity:int, Name:string} -> unit
   val new_type_definition = fn
     : {inhab_thm:thm, name:string, pred:term} -> thm
   val subst = fn : term subst -> term -> term
   val subst_occs = fn : int list list -> term subst -> term -> term
   val type_subst = fn : hol_type subst -> hol_type -> hol_type

HOL  Kananaskis-10