after_new_theory : (string * string -> unit) -> unit
Initialize package once a theory is declared.
Some HOL infrastructure depends on certain packages being informed each time a new theory is created. The function after_new_theory supports this. An invocation after_new_theory f adds the function f to an internal queue of ‘initializers’. All subsequent calls to new_theory will cause each initializer to be run, in queue order. Each initializer will be given the names of the theory segments from before and after the call to new_theory as its argument..
It can be that an initializer fails for some reason when it is executed. Any exceptions will be caught, and an attempt will be made to print out a message. Then execution of the remaining initializers will continue.
- fun every8 s (a::b::c::d::e::f::g::h::rst) =
                a::b::c::d::e::f::g::h::s::every8 s rst
    | every8 s otherwise = otherwise;
> val 'a every8 = fn : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list

- after_new_theory (fn (old,s) =>
    (print ("Ancestors of "^s^":\n  ");
     print (String.concat (every8 "\n  " (commafy (ancestry s))));
     print ".\n"));
> val it = () : unit

- new_theory"foo";
<<HOL message: Created theory "foo">>
Ancestors of foo:
  one, option, pair, sum,
  combin, relation, min, bool,
  num, prim_rec, arithmetic, numeral,
  ind_type, list.
> val it = () : unit

- new_theory"bar";
Exporting theory "foo" ... done.
<<HOL message: Created theory "bar">>
Ancestors of bar:
  one, option, pair, sum,
  combin, relation, min, bool,
  num, prim_rec, arithmetic, numeral,
  ind_type, list, foo.
> val it = () : unit

Perhaps there should be a before_export_theory call as well?
Fairly low level system support tasks.
HOL  Kananaskis-8