get_results : model -> (term_bdd * thm option * term list option) list option
Returns the results of model checking the HolCheck model, if the model has been checked.
The order of results in the list corresponds to the order of properties in the list of properties to be checked for the model. The latter list can be recovered via holCheckLib.get_props.

Each result is a triple. the first component contains the BDD representation of the set of states satisfying the property. If the check succeeded, the second component contains a theorem certifying that the property holds in the model i.e. it holds in the initial states. The third component contains a counterexample or witness trace, if one could be recovered.

For the mod-8 counter example used as a running example in the online reference, we obtain the following results for the property that the most significant bit eventually goes high:
- holCheckLib.get_results m;
> val it =
    SOME [(<term_bdd>,
      SOME|- CTL_MODEL_SAT ctlKS (C_EF (C_BOOL (B_PROP (\(v0,v1,v2). v2)))),
      SOME [``(F,F,F)``, ``(T,F,F)``, ``(F,T,F)``, ``(T,T,F)``, ``(F,F,T)``])]
     : (term_bdd * thm option * term list option) list option
The first component contains the BDD representation of the set of states satisfying the property. The second component contains a formal theorem certifying the property. The third component contains a witness trace that counts up to 4.
HOL  Kananaskis-10