OR_EL_CONV : conv
Computes by inference the result of taking the disjunction of the elements of a boolean list.
For any object language list of the form --`[x1;x2;...;xn]`--, where x1, x2, ..., xn are boolean expressions, the result of evaluating
   OR_EL_CONV (--`OR_EL [x1;x2;...;xn]`--)
is the theorem
   |- OR_EL [x1;x2;...;xn] = b
where b is either the boolean constant that denotes the disjunction of the elements of the list, or a disjunction of those xi that are not boolean constants.
- OR_EL_CONV (--`OR_EL [T;F;F;T]`--);
|- OR_EL [T;F;F;T] = T
- OR_EL_CONV (--`OR_EL [F;F;F]`--);
|- OR_EL [F;F;F] = F
- OR_EL_CONV (--`OR_EL [F;x;y]`--);
|- OR_EL [F; x; y] = x \/ y
- OR_EL_CONV (--`OR_EL [x;T;y]`--);
|- OR_EL [x; T; y] = T 

OR_EL_CONV tm fails if tm is not of the form described above.
HOL  Kananaskis-10