set_list_thm_database: {{Aux_thms: thm list, Fold_thms: thm list}} ->  unit
Modifies the database of theorems known by LIST_CONV and X_LIST_CONV.
The conversions LIST_CONV and X_LIST_CONV use a database of theorems relating to system list constants. These theorems fall into two categories: definitions of list operators in terms of FOLDR and FOLDL; and auxiliary theorems about the base elements and step functions in those definitions. The database can be modified using set_list_thm_database.

A call set_list_thm_database{{Fold_thms=fold_thms,Aux_thms=aux_thms}} replaces the existing database with the theorems given as the arguments. The Fold_thms field of the record contains the new fold definitions. The Aux_thms field contains the new auxiliary theorems. Theorems which do not have an appropriate form will be ignored.

The following is an example of a fold definition in the database:

   |- !l. SUM l = FOLDR $+ 0 l
Here $+ is the step function and 0 is the base element of the definition. Definitions are initially held for the following system operators: APPEND, FLAT, LENGTH, NULL, REVERSE, MAP, FILTER, ALL_EL, SUM, SOME_EL, IS_EL, AND_EL, OR_EL, PREFIX, SUFFIX, SNOC and FLAT combined with REVERSE.

The following is an example of an auxiliary theorem:

   |- MONOID $+ 0
Auxiliary theorems stored include monoid, commutativity, associativity, binary function commutativity, left identity and right identity theorems.
The conversion LIST_CONV uses the theorems in the database to prove theorems about list operators. Users are encouraged to define list operators in terms of either FOLDR or FOLDL rather than recursively. Then if the definition is passed to LIST_CONV, it will be able to prove the recursive clauses for the definition. If auxilary properties are proved about the step function and base element, and they are passed to LIST_CONV then it may be able to prove other useful theorems. Theorems can be passed either as arguments to LIST_CONV or they can be added to the database using set_list_thm_database.
After the following call, LIST_CONV will only be able to prove a few theorems about SUM.
     {{Fold_thms = [theorem "list" "SUM_FOLDR"],
      Aux_thms = [theorem "arithmetic" "MONOID_ADD_0"]}};
The following shows a new definition being added which multiplies the elements of a list. LIST_CONV is then called to prove the recursive clause.
   - val MULTL = new_definition("MULTL",(--`MULTL l = FOLDR $* 1 l`--));
   val MULTL = |- !l. MULTL l = FOLDR $* 1 l : thm
   - let val {{Fold_thms = fold_thms, Aux_thms = aux_thms}} = list_thm_database()
   = in
   =   set_list_thm_database{{Fold_thms = MULTL::fold_thms,Aux_thms = aux_thms}}
   = end;
   val it = () : unit
   - LIST_CONV (--`MULTL (CONS x l)`--);
   |- MULTL (CONS x l) = x * MULTL l
Never fails.
HOL  Kananaskis-10