RESQ_IMP_RES_THEN : thm_tactical
Resolves a restricted universally quantified theorem with the assumptions of a goal.
The function RESQ_IMP_RES_THEN is the basic building block for resolution using a restricted quantified theorem. It takes a restricted quantified theorem and transforms it into an implication. This resulting theorem is used in the resolution.

Given a theorem-tactic ttac and a theorem th, the theorem-tactical RESQ_IMP_RES_THEN transforms the theorem into an implication th'. It then passes th' together with ttac to IMP_RES_THEN to carry out the resolution.

Evaluating RESQ_IMP_RES_THEN ttac th fails if the supplied theorem th is not restricted universally quantified, or if the call to IMP_RES_THEN fails.

HOL  Kananaskis-10