For use with EmitML.emitML.
When using EmitML.emitML the rule WORDS_EMIT_RULE should be applied to all definitions containing word operations. The rule introduces type annotated word operations and it also handles word equality and case statements.
- val example_def = Define `example (w:1 word) = case w of 0w -> 1w:word8 || _ -> sw2sw w`;
Definition has been stored under "example_def".
> val example_def = |- !w. example w = case w of 0w -> 1w || v -> sw2sw w : thm
- WORDS_EMIT_RULE example_def
> val it =
    |- !w.
         example w =
         case word_eq w (n2w_itself (0,(:unit))) of
            T -> n2w_itself (1,(:8))
         || F -> sw2sw_itself (:8) w : thm
Before using EmitML.emitML the references type_pp.pp_num_types and type_pp.pp_array_types should both be set to false. In addition type abbreviations can be disabled with disable_tyabbrev_printing or alternatively they must be handled by adding an appropriate signature entry. For example:
- ``:word8``
> val it = ``:bool[8]`` : hol_type
- type_pp.pp_array_types := false;
> val it = () : unit
- type_pp.pp_num_types := false;
> val it = () : unit
- disable_tyabbrev_printing "word8";
> val it = () : unit
- ``:word8``;
> val it = ``:unit bit0 bit0 bit0 word`` : hol_type
If the type abbreviation is not disabled then add the entry
  EmitML.MLSIG "type word8 = wordsML.word8"
HOL  Kananaskis-10