QCHANGED_CONV : conv -> conv
Makes a conversion fail if applying it raises the UNCHANGED exception.
If c is a conversion that maps a term t to a theorem |- t = t', then so too is QCHANGED_CONV c. If c applied to t raises the special UNCHANGED exception used by conversions to indicate that they haven’t changed an input, then QCHANGED_CONV c will fail when applied to t.

This behaviour is similar to that of CHANGED_CONV, except that that conversion also fails if the conversion c returns a theorem when applied to t, and if that theorem has alpha-convertible left and right hand sides.

QCHANGED_CONV c t fails if c applied t raises the UNCHANGED exception, or if c fails when applied to t.
QCHANGED_CONV can be used in places where CHANGED_CONV is appropriate, and where one knows that the conversion argument will not return an instance of reflexivity, or if one does not mind this occurring and not being trapped. Because it is no more than an exception handler, QCHANGED_CONV is very efficient.
HOL  Kananaskis-11