type_rws : string -> thm list
List rewrites for a concrete type.
An application type_rws s, where s is the name of a declared datatype, returns a list of rewrite rules corresponding to the types. The list typically contains theorems about the distinctness and injectivity of constructors, the definition of the ’case’ constant introduced at the time the type was defined, and any extra rewrites coming from the use of records.
If s is not the name of a declared datatype.
- type_rws "list";

> val it =
    [|- (!v f. case v f [] = v) /\ !v f a0 a1. case v f (a0::a1) = f a0 a1,
     |- !a1 a0. ~([] = a0::a1),
     |- !a1 a0. ~(a0::a1 = []),
     |- !a0 a1 a0' a1'. (a0::a1 = a0'::a1') = (a0 = a0') /\ (a1 = a1')]

- Hol_datatype `point = <| x:num ; y:num |>`;
<<HOL message: Defined type: "point">>

- type_rws "point";
> val it =
    [|- !f a0 a1. case f (point a0 a1) = f a0 a1,
     |- !a0 a1 a0' a1'.
          (point a0 a1 = point a0' a1') = (a0 = a0') /\ (a1 = a1'),
     |- !z x p. p with <|y := x; x := z|> = p with <|x := z; y := x|>,
     |- (!x p. (p with y := x).x = p.x) /\ (!x p. (p with x := x).y = p.y) /\
        (!x p. (p with x := x).x = x) /\ !x p. (p with y := x).y = x,
     |- (!n n0. (point n n0).x = n) /\ !n n0. (point n n0).y = n0,
     |- (!n1 n n0. point n n0 with x := n1 = point n1 n0) /\
        !n1 n n0. point n n0 with y := n1 = point n n1,
     |- (!p. p with x := p.x = p) /\ !p. p with y := p.y = p,
     |- (!x2 x1 p. p with <|x := x1; x := x2|> = p with x := x1) /\
        !x2 x1 p. p with <|y := x1; y := x2|> = p with y := x1,
     |- (!p f. (p with y updated_by f).x = p.x) /\
        (!p f. (p with x updated_by f).y = p.y) /\
        (!p f. (p with x updated_by f).x = f p.x) /\
        !p f. (p with y updated_by f).y = f p.y,
     |- !p n0 n. p with <|x := n0; y := n|> = <|x := n0; y := n|>]
RW_TAC and SRW_TAC automatically include these rewrites.
HOL  Kananaskis-11