Structure BasicProvers
signature BasicProvers =
include Abbrev
type simpset = simpLib.simpset
(* Eliminate v = M or M = v from hypotheses *)
val VAR_EQ_TAC : tactic
val var_eq_tac : tactic
(* First order automatic proof *)
val PROVE : thm list -> term -> thm
val PROVE_TAC : thm list -> tactic
val prove_tac : thm list -> tactic
val GEN_PROVE_TAC : int -> int -> int -> thm list -> tactic
(* Simplification *)
val bool_ss : simpset
val srw_ss : unit -> simpset
val Abbr : term quotation -> thm
val LEAVE_LETS : thm
val RW_TAC : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val rw_tac : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val NORM_TAC : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val SRW_TAC : simpLib.ssfrag list -> thm list -> tactic
val srw_tac : simpLib.ssfrag list -> thm list -> tactic
val augment_srw_ss : simpLib.ssfrag list -> unit
val diminish_srw_ss : string list -> simpLib.ssfrag list
val export_rewrites : string list -> unit
val thy_ssfrag : string -> simpLib.ssfrag
(* LET manoeuvres *)
val LET_ELIM_TAC : tactic
val new_let_thms : thm list -> unit
(* Compound automated reasoners. *)
val PRIM_STP_TAC : simpset -> tactic -> tactic
val STP_TAC : simpset -> tactic -> tactic
(* Other reasoning support. *)
val SPOSE_NOT_THEN : (thm -> tactic) -> tactic
val spose_not_then : (thm -> tactic) -> tactic
val by : term quotation * tactic -> tactic (* infix *)
val suffices_by : term quotation * tactic -> tactic (* infix *)
val on : (thm -> tactic) * (term quotation * tactic) -> tactic
(* infix *)
datatype tmkind
= Free of term
| Bound of term list * term
| Alien of term
val dest_tmkind : tmkind -> term
val prim_find_subterm : term list -> term -> goal -> tmkind
val find_subterm : term quotation -> goal -> tmkind
val primInduct : tmkind -> tactic -> tactic
val Cases : tactic
val Induct : tactic
val Cases_on : term quotation -> tactic
val Induct_on : term quotation -> tactic
val PURE_TOP_CASE_TAC : tactic (* top-most case-split *)
val PURE_CASE_TAC : tactic (* smallest case-split (concl) *)
val PURE_FULL_CASE_TAC: tactic (* smallest case-split (goal) *)
val PURE_CASE_SIMP_CONV : thm list -> conv
val CASE_SIMP_CONV : conv (* Apply case rewrites in theTypeBase *)
val CASE_TAC : tactic (* PURE_CASE_TAC then simplification *)
val TOP_CASE_TAC : tactic (* PURE_TOP_CASE_TAC then simplification *)
val FULL_CASE_TAC : tactic (* PURE_FULL_CASE_TAC then simplification *)
val full_case_tac : tactic
val EVERY_CASE_TAC : tactic (* Repeat FULL_CASE_TAC *)
val every_case_tac : tactic
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11