Structure ConseqConv
signature ConseqConv =
include Abbrev
trace "DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV" can be used to get debug information
on DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV and related conversions
(* Types *)
datatype CONSEQ_CONV_direction =
datatype CONSEQ_CONV_context =
(* do not use context at all *)
(* use just the antecedents of implications *)
(* use all available context (from and, or, ...) *)
type conseq_conv = term -> thm;
type directed_conseq_conv = CONSEQ_CONV_direction -> conseq_conv;
type conseq_conv_congruence_syscall =
term list -> thm list -> int -> CONSEQ_CONV_direction -> term -> (int * thm option)
type conseq_conv_congruence =
thm list -> conseq_conv_congruence_syscall ->
CONSEQ_CONV_direction -> term -> (int * thm)
(* Technical stuff that might help writing
your own CONSEQ-CONVs, but is otherwise uninteresting *)
val CONSEQ_CONV___GET_SIMPLIFIED_TERM : thm -> term -> term;
val CONSEQ_CONV___GET_DIRECTION : thm -> term -> CONSEQ_CONV_direction;
val THEN_CONSEQ_CONV___combine : thm -> thm -> term -> thm;
val CONSEQ_CONV___APPLY_CONV_RULE : thm -> term -> (term -> thm) -> thm;
(* General rules and tactics. These might be useful in general *)
val GEN_ASSUM : term -> thm -> thm;
val GEN_IMP : term -> thm -> thm;
val LIST_GEN_IMP : term list -> thm -> thm;
val GEN_EQ : term -> thm -> thm;
val LIST_GEN_EQ : term list -> thm -> thm;
val EXISTS_INTRO_IMP : term -> thm -> thm;
val LIST_EXISTS_INTRO_IMP : term list -> thm -> thm;
val SPEC_ALL_TAC : tactic;
val REMOVE_TRUE_TAC : tactic;
val IMP_QUANT_CANON : thm -> thm;
val IMP_EXISTS_PRECOND_CANON : thm -> thm;
(* Basic consequence conversions; some of these are trivial, but
useful for writing your own conseq_convs *)
val FALSE_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv;
val TRUE_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv;
val REFL_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv;
val FORALL_EQ___CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv;
val EXISTS_EQ___CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv;
val TRUE_FALSE_REFL_CONSEQ_CONV : directed_conseq_conv
(*Some things about asm_marker*)
val asm_marker_tm : term
val dest_asm_marker : term -> term * term
val is_asm_marker : term -> bool
val mk_asm_marker : term -> term -> term
val mk_asm_marker_random : term -> term
val dest_neg_asm_marker : term -> term * term
val is_neg_asm_marker : term -> bool
val asm_marker_ELIM_CONV : conv
val asm_marker_INTRO_CONV : term -> conv
(* Cache and congruence options *)
type depth_conseq_conv_cache
type depth_conseq_conv_cache_opt =
((unit -> depth_conseq_conv_cache) * ((term * (int * thm option)) -> bool)) option
(* make a new cache *)
val mk_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE : unit -> depth_conseq_conv_cache;
(* the default cache option, a cache option is a pair,
first is a function to create a new cache, by default
mk_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE is used, however often
(K some_existing_cache) might be useful. The second one is
a predicate of (t, (n, result_opt)) that determines whether
the result that t was converted in n steps to result_opt should
be put into the cache or not (default is (K true)).
val CONSEQ_CONV_default_cache_opt : depth_conseq_conv_cache_opt
val mk_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE_OPT : ((term * (int * thm option)) -> bool) -> depth_conseq_conv_cache_opt;
val mk_PERSISTENT_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE_OPT : ((term * (int * thm option)) -> bool) -> depth_conseq_conv_cache_opt;
val CONSEQ_CONV_get_context_congruences :
CONSEQ_CONV_context -> conseq_conv_congruence list;
val clear_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE : depth_conseq_conv_cache -> unit
val clear_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE_OPT : depth_conseq_conv_cache_opt -> unit
(* Rewriting consequence conversions *)
val CONSEQ_REWRITE_CONV : (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_CONV : (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val ONCE_CONSEQ_REWRITE_CONV : (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val ONCE_CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_CONV : (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val EXT_CONSEQ_REWRITE_CONV : (thm list -> conv) list -> thm list -> (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val EXT_CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_CONV : (thm list -> conv) list -> thm list -> (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val EXT_CONTEXT_CONSEQ_REWRITE_CONV : CONSEQ_CONV_context -> (thm list -> conv) list -> thm list -> (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val EXT_CONTEXT_CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_CONV : CONSEQ_CONV_context -> (thm list -> conv) list -> thm list -> (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> directed_conseq_conv;
conseq_conv_congruence list -> (* congruences *)
depth_conseq_conv_cache_opt -> (* cache *)
int option -> (* steps *)
bool -> (* redepth *)
bool -> (* higher order rewriting ? *)
thm list -> (* context *)
(bool * int option * (thm list -> conv)) list -> (* conversions *)
(thm list * thm list * thm list) -> (*consequence rewrites *)
val step_opt_sub : int option -> int -> int option
val step_opt_allows_steps : int option -> int -> int option -> bool
(* Depth consequence conversions *)
conseq_conv_congruence list -> (*congruence_list*)
depth_conseq_conv_cache_opt -> (*use cache*)
int option -> (*no of steps, NONE for unbounded *)
bool -> (*redepth ?*)
(bool * int option * (thm list -> directed_conseq_conv)) list ->
(*conversion list:
(1: apply before or after descending in subterms
2: weight, how many steps are counted, 0 means that it does
not count
3: context -> conversion
thm list -> (*context that might be used*)
conseq_conv_congruence list -> (*congruence_list*)
depth_conseq_conv_cache_opt -> (*use cache*)
int option -> (*no of steps, NONE for unbounded *)
bool -> (*redepth ?*)
(bool * int option * (thm list -> directed_conseq_conv)) list ->
(*conversion list:
(1: apply before or after descending in subterms
2: weight, how many steps are counted, 0 means that it does
not count
3: context -> conversion
thm list -> (*context that might be used*)
CONSEQ_CONV_direction -> term ->
(int * thm option)
val DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV : directed_conseq_conv -> directed_conseq_conv;
val REDEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV : directed_conseq_conv -> directed_conseq_conv;
val ONCE_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV : directed_conseq_conv -> directed_conseq_conv;
val NUM_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV : directed_conseq_conv -> int ->
val NUM_REDEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV: directed_conseq_conv -> int ->
val CONTEXT_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV : CONSEQ_CONV_context -> (thm list -> directed_conseq_conv) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val CONTEXT_REDEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV : CONSEQ_CONV_context -> (thm list -> directed_conseq_conv) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val CONTEXT_ONCE_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV : CONSEQ_CONV_context -> (thm list -> directed_conseq_conv) -> directed_conseq_conv;
val CONTEXT_NUM_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV : CONSEQ_CONV_context -> (thm list -> directed_conseq_conv) -> int ->
val CONTEXT_NUM_REDEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV: (thm list -> directed_conseq_conv) -> int ->
val DEPTH_STRENGTHEN_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> conseq_conv;
val REDEPTH_STRENGTHEN_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> conseq_conv;
(* Combinations for consequence conversions *)
val CHANGED_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> conseq_conv;
val QCHANGED_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> conseq_conv;
val ORELSE_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> conseq_conv -> conseq_conv
val THEN_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> conseq_conv -> conseq_conv;
val FIRST_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv list -> conseq_conv;
val EVERY_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv list -> conseq_conv;
val FORALL_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> conseq_conv;
val EXISTS_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> conseq_conv;
val QUANT_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> conseq_conv;
val STRENGTHEN_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> directed_conseq_conv;
val WEAKEN_CONSEQ_CONV : conseq_conv -> directed_conseq_conv;
(* Rules *)
val STRENGTHEN_CONSEQ_CONV_RULE : directed_conseq_conv -> thm -> thm;
val WEAKEN_CONSEQ_CONV_RULE : directed_conseq_conv -> thm -> thm;
(* Tactics *)
val CONSEQ_CONV_TAC : directed_conseq_conv -> tactic;
val ASM_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC : (thm list -> directed_conseq_conv) -> tactic
val DISCH_ASM_CONV_TAC : conv -> tactic;
val DISCH_ASM_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC : directed_conseq_conv -> tactic;
val DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC : directed_conseq_conv -> tactic;
val REDEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC : directed_conseq_conv -> tactic;
val ONCE_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC : directed_conseq_conv -> tactic;
val CONSEQ_REWRITE_TAC : (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> tactic;
val CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_TAC : (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> tactic;
val ONCE_CONSEQ_REWRITE_TAC : (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> tactic;
val ONCE_CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_TAC : (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> tactic;
val EXT_CONSEQ_REWRITE_TAC : (thm list -> conv) list -> thm list -> (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> tactic;
val EXT_CONTEXT_CONSEQ_REWRITE_TAC : CONSEQ_CONV_context -> (thm list -> conv) list -> thm list -> (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> tactic;
val EXT_CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_TAC : (thm list -> conv) list -> thm list -> (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> tactic;
val EXT_CONTEXT_CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_TAC : CONSEQ_CONV_context -> (thm list -> conv) list -> thm list -> (thm list * thm list * thm list) -> tactic;
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11