Structure CooperSyntax
signature CooperSyntax = sig
include Abbrev
val not_tm : term
val num_ty : hol_type
val true_tm : term
val false_tm : term
val strip_exists : term -> (term list * term)
val cpis_conj : term -> bool
val cpis_disj : term -> bool
val cpstrip_conj : term -> term list
val cpstrip_disj : term -> term list
val cpEVERY_CONJ_CONV : (term -> Thm.thm) -> (term -> Thm.thm)
val cpEVERY_DISJ_CONV : (term -> Thm.thm) -> (term -> Thm.thm)
val has_exists : term -> bool
val has_forall : term -> bool
val has_quant : term -> bool
(* finds sub-terms satisfying given predicate that do not have any of their
free variables bound by binders higher in the same term *)
val find_free_terms : (term -> bool) -> term -> term HOLset.set
datatype qstatus = EITHER | NEITHER | qsUNIV | qsEXISTS
datatype term_op = CONJN | DISJN | NEGN
datatype reltype = rEQ | rDIV | rLT
val goal_qtype : term -> qstatus
val bop_characterise : term -> term_op option
val categorise_leaf : term -> reltype
val move_quants_up : term -> Thm.thm
val flip_forall : term -> Thm.thm
val flip_foralls : term -> Thm.thm
val count_vars : term -> (string * int) list
val move_conj_left : (term -> bool) -> term -> Thm.thm
val mk_constraint : term * term -> term
val is_constraint : term -> bool
val is_vconstraint : term -> term -> bool
val constraint_var : term -> term
val constraint_size : term ->
val dest_constraint : term -> (term * (term * term)) (* (v, (lo, hi)) *)
val MK_CONSTRAINT : conv
val UNCONSTRAIN : conv
val IN_CONSTRAINT : conv -> conv
val quick_cst_elim : conv
val reduce_if_ground : conv
val fixup_newvar : conv
(* with ?x. p \/ q \/ r... (with or's right associated)
expand to (?x. p) \/ (?x.q) \/ (?x.r) ...
val push_one_exists_over_many_disjs : conv
val push_in_exists : conv
val simple_divides : term -> term -> bool
(* a "resquan" term is of the form
low < x /\ x <= high
val resquan_remove : conv
val resquan_onestep : conv
(* a "vacuous" existential is a term of the form ?x. x = e *)
val remove_vacuous_existential : conv
val push_in_exists_and_follow : conv -> conv
val expand_right_and_over_or : conv
(* applies the argument conversion to all arguments of relational binary
operators in a standard Cooper formula (operators are =, < or
int_divides). Allows for the conv argument to be a QConv, and will
also raise QConv.UNCHANGED itself *)
val ADDITIVE_TERMS_CONV : conv -> conv
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11