Structure Defn
signature Defn =
include Abbrev
type thry = TypeBasePure.typeBase
type proofs = Manager.proofs
type absyn = Absyn.absyn
type pattern = Pmatch.pattern
val monitoring : bool ref
val ind_suffix : string ref
val def_suffix : string ref
val const_eq_ref : conv ref
val wfrec_eqns : thry -> term ->
{SV : term list,
WFR : term,
extracta : (thm * term list * bool) list,
pats : pattern list,
proto_def : term}
val mk_defn : string -> term -> defn
val mk_Rdefn : string -> term -> term -> defn
val Hol_defn : string -> term quotation -> defn
val Hol_Rdefn : string -> term quotation -> term quotation -> defn
val mk_defns : string list -> term list -> defn list
val Hol_defns : string list -> term quotation -> defn list
val name_of : defn -> string
val eqns_of : defn -> thm list
val ind_of : defn -> thm option
val tcs_of : defn -> term list
val reln_of : defn -> term option
val params_of : defn -> term list
val aux_defn : defn -> defn option
val union_defn : defn -> defn option
val inst_defn : defn -> (term,term)subst * (hol_type,hol_type)subst -> defn
val set_reln : defn -> term -> defn
val elim_tcs : defn -> thm list -> defn
val simp_tcs : defn -> conv -> defn
val prove_tcs : defn -> tactic -> defn
val triv_defn : defn -> bool
val fetch_eqns : defn -> thm
val been_stored: string * thm -> unit
val store : string * thm * thm -> unit
val save_defn : defn -> unit
val parse_absyn : absyn -> term * string list
val parse_quote : term quotation -> term list
val tgoal : defn -> proofs
val tprove0 : defn * tactic -> thm * thm
val tprove : defn * tactic -> thm * thm
val tstore_defn : defn * tactic -> thm * thm
(* Do a termination proof without the DefnBase.defn object around. The
first theorem should be the equations and the second the induction
principle, e.g., as written by Defn.save_defn. *)
val tgoal_no_defn : (thm * thm) -> proofs
val tprove_no_defn : (thm * thm) * tactic -> thm * thm
val SUC_TO_NUMERAL_DEFN_CONV_hook : (term -> thm) ref
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11