Structure DefnBase
signature DefnBase =
type term = Term.term
type thm = Thm.thm
datatype defn
= ABBREV of {eqn:thm, bind:string}
| PRIMREC of {eqs:thm, ind:thm, bind:string}
| NONREC of {eqs:thm, ind:thm, SV:term list, stem:string}
| STDREC of {eqs:thm list, ind:thm, R:term,SV:term list,stem:string}
| MUTREC of {eqs:thm list, ind:thm, R:term,SV:term list,
| NESTREC of {eqs:thm list, ind:thm, R:term,SV:term list,
| TAILREC of {eqs:thm list, ind:thm, R:term, SV:term list, stem:string}
val pp_defn : PP.ppstream -> defn -> unit
(* Used to control context tracking during termination
condition extraction *)
val read_congs : unit -> thm list
val write_congs : thm list -> unit
val add_cong : thm -> unit
val drop_cong : term -> thm
val export_cong : string -> unit
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11