Structure EnumType
signature EnumType =
include Abbrev
type tyinfo = TypeBasePure.tyinfo
val define_enum_type :
(string * string list * string * string) ->
{TYPE : hol_type,
constrs : term list,
defs : thm list,
ABSconst : term,
REPconst : term,
ABS_REP : thm,
REP_ABS : thm,
ABS_11 : thm,
REP_11 : thm,
ABS_ONTO : thm,
REP_ONTO : thm}
(* *)
val enum_type_to_tyinfo : string * string list -> tyinfo * string
val update_tyinfo : string -> thm -> thm -> tyinfo -> tyinfo
[enum_type_to_tyinfo] takes a string-string list pair corresponding
to the name of the type and its constructors. Returns a tyinfo
along with a string that is the ML for the appropriate invocation
of update_tyinfo.
[update_tyinfo s eqth repth tyinfo0] takes s, the name of an enumerated
type, and two theorems. eqth is of the form
!v1 v2. (v1 = v2) = (rep v1 = rep v2)
and repth is of the form
(rep C1 = 0) /\ (rep C2 = 1) /\ ... /\ (rep Cn = n - 1)
This updates tyinfo0 to include a conversion in its simpls component
which resolves equalities between members of the enumerated type.
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11