Structure GenPolyCanon
signature GenPolyCanon =
include Abbrev
datatype assoc_mode = L | R | L_Cflipped
datatype gci =
GCI of {dest : term -> term * term,
is_literal : term -> bool,
assoc_mode : assoc_mode,
assoc : thm,
symassoc : thm ,
comm : thm,
l_asscomm : thm ,
r_asscomm : thm ,
non_coeff : term -> term,
merge : term -> thm,
postnorm : term -> thm,
left_id : thm,
right_id : thm ,
reducer : term -> thm}
val update_mode : assoc_mode -> gci -> gci
val gencanon : gci -> term -> thm
val derive_l_asscomm : thm -> thm -> thm
val derive_r_asscomm : thm -> thm -> thm
The gci type stores sufficient information about a type and operators over
it to allow normalisation of "polynomials" over that type, collecting up
coefficients etc.
The required fields of the record are
dest : pulls apart a term (e.g., x + y -> (x,y))
is_literal : returns true iff a term is a numeric literal - in L & R
modes literals are shunted to the right end of the term.
In L_Cflipped they appear on the front.
assoc_mode : how the term should be associated when built.
L & R are obvious. L_Cflipped has non-literals
left-associated, but possibly prepended by a literal to
the left. This is appropriate for multiplication, e.g.,
assoc : associativity theorem (e.g., |- x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z)
symassoc : associativity theorem with equality flipped
comm : commutativity theorem (e.g., |- x + y = y + x)
l_asscomm : right-commutativity theorem (letter 'l' indicates that
terms are left-associated)
(e.g., |- (x + y) + z = (x + z) + y)
r_asscomm : left-commutativity theorem (terms are right-associated)
(e.g., |- x + (y + z) = y + (x + z))
non_coeff : returns the "base" of a term, ignoring the coefficient.
(e.g., x -> x, 2 * x -> x, ~y -> y, 3 -> 1)
merge : takes a term of the form t1 op t2, where t1 and t2 have
equal base, and merges them into one by summing
coefficients. The result will be subjected to
post-normalisation (see below)
postnorm : conversion to normalise certain coeff-term pairs. Must
include the analogue of
0 * x -> |- 0 * x = 0
and might reasonably include
x ** 1 -> |- x ** 1 = x
~1 * x -> |- ~1 * x = ~x
3 * 1 -> |- 3 * 1 = 3
left_id : theorem stating left-identity for the base operator
(e.g., |- 0 + x = x and |- 1 * x = x)
right_id : theorem stating right-identity for the base operator
reducer : conversion for doing ground arithmetic on coefficients
To handle literals, get non_coeff to return a base of 1 for them, and then
handle their merging separately in the merge function.
[update_mode m g] returns a g' that is identical to g except that
the assoc_mode field of the record has been updated to have value m.
[gencanon g t] returns a theorem of the form |- t = t', where t' is a normal
form. The polynomial will be right-associated (for backwards compatibility
[derive_l_asscomm ass comm] derives an l_asscomm theorem from assoc and comm
[derive_r_asscomm ass comm] derives an r_asscomm theorem from assoc and comm
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11