Structure Pretype

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

signature Pretype =

 datatype pretype
    = Vartype of string
    | Tyop of {Thy:string,Tyop:string, Args: pretype list}
    | UVar of pretype option ref

val tyvars : pretype -> string list
val new_uvar : unit -> pretype
val ref_occurs_in : pretype option ref * pretype -> bool
val ref_equiv : pretype option ref * pretype -> bool
val has_unbound_uvar : pretype -> bool
val mk_fun_ty : pretype * pretype -> pretype

(* first argument is a function which performs a binding between a
   pretype reference and another pretype, updating some sort of environment
   (the 'a), returning the new alpha and a unit option, SOME () for a
   success, and a NONE, if not.

   To further complicate things, the bind argument also gets a copy of
   gen_unify to call, if it should choose.
val gen_unify :
  ((pretype -> pretype -> ('a -> 'a * unit option)) ->
   (pretype option ref -> (pretype -> ('a -> 'a * unit option)))) ->
  pretype -> pretype -> ('a -> 'a * unit option)
val unify : pretype -> pretype -> unit
val can_unify : pretype -> pretype -> bool

val safe_unify :
  pretype -> pretype ->
  ((pretype option ref * pretype) list ->
   (pretype option ref * pretype) list * unit option)
val apply_subst : (pretype option ref * pretype) list -> pretype -> pretype

val rename_typevars : string list -> pretype -> pretype
val rename_tv : string list -> pretype -> (string * pretype option ref) list ->
                (string * pretype option ref) list * pretype option
val fromType : Type.hol_type -> pretype
val remove_made_links : pretype -> pretype
val replace_null_links : pretype -> (string list -> string list * unit option)
val clean : pretype -> Type.hol_type
val toType : pretype -> Type.hol_type
val chase : pretype -> pretype

val pp_pretype : PP.ppstream -> pretype -> unit

val termantiq_constructors : (pretype,Term.term) parse_type.tyconstructors
val typantiq_constructors : (pretype,Type.hol_type) parse_type.tyconstructors


   [chase pty]  If pty is of the form (dom --> rng), once all necessary
   uvar references have been followed, returns rng.

   [rename_typvars avds pty]  Avoiding type variables with names from avds,
   renames Vartypes into uvar references.

   [has_unbound_uvar pty] Returns true if pty includes (after chasing bound
   uvars), any unbound uvars.

   [mk_fun_ty (dom,rng)] Makes the pretype corresponding to the function space
   from dom to rng.

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

HOL 4, Kananaskis-11