Structure Prim_rec
signature Prim_rec =
include Abbrev
Returns the types defined by an axiom. Does not return type
operators that are applied to other types that are defined in
the axiom. This is a test for detecting nested recursion, where
the operator must already have an axiom elsewhere.
val doms_of_tyaxiom : thm -> hol_type list
Given a type axiom and the type name, returns the constructors
associated with that type in the axiom.
val type_constructors : thm -> string -> term list
val type_constructors_with_args : thm -> string -> term list
val new_recursive_definition : {name:string, rec_axiom:thm, def:term} -> thm
Because a type axiom can be for multiple (mutually recursive) types at
once, this function returns the definitions of the case constants for
each type introduced by an axiom.
val define_case_constant : thm -> thm list
val case_constant_name : {type_name:string} -> string
val case_constant_defn_name : {type_name:string} -> string
val INDUCT_THEN : thm -> (thm -> tactic) -> tactic
val prove_rec_fn_exists : thm -> term -> thm
val prove_induction_thm : thm -> thm
Similarly, this function returns a list of theorems where each theorem
in the list is the cases theorem for a type characterised in the axiom.
val prove_cases_thm : thm -> thm list
val case_cong_thm : thm -> thm -> thm
val prove_constructors_distinct : thm -> thm option list
val prove_constructors_one_one : thm -> thm option list
val prove_case_rand_thm : {case_def : thm, nchotomy : thm} -> thm
val prove_case_elim_thm : {case_def : thm, nchotomy : thm} -> thm
val prove_case_eq_thm : {case_def : thm, nchotomy : thm} -> thm
(* A utility function *)
val EXISTS_EQUATION : term -> thm -> thm
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11