Structure RealArith
signature RealArith =
type term = Term.term
type thm = Thm.thm
type tactic = Abbrev.tactic
val PURE_REAL_ARITH_TAC : tactic
val REAL_ARITH_TAC : tactic
val REAL_ASM_ARITH_TAC : tactic
(* PURE_REAL_ARITH_TAC doesn't throw away assumptions, but requires
them to be pre-normalised in order to work. There also must not
be any non-Presburger terms lurking amongst them.
REAL_ASM_ARITH_TAC moves all assumptions into the goal, and then
proceeds. It thus gets around the two restrictions above. *)
val REAL_ARITH : term -> thm
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11