Structure Sanity
signature Sanity =
type term = Term.term
type thm = Thm.thm
type theory = Hol_pp.theory
type tactic = Abbrev.tactic
val accepted_axioms : string list ref;
val accepted_oracles : string list ref;
(* Traces
"Santity Check Strict":
Turn warnings or exception on or off.
Default: true (through exception)
"Santity Check Verbose":
Turn verbose reporting on or off.
Default: true
"Santity Check Free Vars":
Turn checking for free top-level variables to different levels:
0 : allow no free vars
1 : if theorem starts with an allquantor, then allow no free vars
2 : no check
Default: 1
"Santity Check Var-Const Clash":
Turn checks whether constant names are used as variables on or off.
Default: true
"Santity Check Thm-Name Clash":
Turn checks whether the same theorem name is used in multiple theories.
Default: true
(* sanity checks the given theory *)
val sanity_check_theory : string -> bool
(* sanity checks the current theory *)
val sanity_check : unit -> bool
(* sanity checks all loaded theories *)
val sanity_check_all : unit -> bool
(* sanity checks a theorem *)
val sanity_check_thm : thm -> bool
(* sanity checks a theorem with a given name *)
val sanity_check_named_thm : (string * thm) -> bool
(* versions of prove, store_thm and save_thm that perform checks,
see trace "Sanity Check Strict" *)
val sanity_prove : (term * tactic) -> thm
val save_thm : (string * thm) -> thm
val store_thm : (string * term * tactic) -> thm
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11