Structure Travrules
(* =====================================================================
* FILE : travrules.sig
* DESCRIPTION : Sets of rules for traversing terms. Used for
* simpification and term traversal.
* AUTHOR : Donald Syme
* Based loosely on ideas from window inference.
* ===================================================================== *)
signature Travrules =
include Abbrev
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* preorders
* Nb. Preorders must be constants. This restriction may be lifted
* in the future.
* Once things are set up, the user of this module generally
* specifies a preorder as a term, e.g. (--`$=`--).
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
datatype preorder = PREORDER of term
* (thm -> thm -> thm)
* ({Rinst:term,arg:term} -> thm)
val samerel : term -> term -> bool
val mk_preorder : (thm * thm) -> preorder;
val find_relation : term -> preorder list -> preorder;
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* type travrules
* An object of type "travrules" specifies a colelction of theorems
* and procedures which are used when automatically traversing a term.
* The collection of rules may contain rules for multiple relations.
* The traversal engine is trying to reduce the "current term"
* via various "reducers" under the "current relation".
* In normal equality reasoning (see SIMP_TAC) the relation is (--`$=`--).
* Traversal is achieved by means of congruence procedures.
* A congruence procedure has ML type
* {solver, depther} -> conv
* where "conv" here is interpreted in the wider sense that the
* function will return a theorem showing REL(t1,t2) for the
* relation over which the congruence procedure acts.
* Congruence procedures are typically simple layers on top
* of a congruence theorem (though they may also implement an
* infinite class of congurence theorems). For example,
* !f x. (x = x') ==> (f = f') --> (f x = f' x')
* is a very simple congruence theorem for constructs of
* the form (--`f x`--) under the (--`$=`--) relation.
* (Nb. This congruence procedure is actually implemented
* by a special procedure for efficiency reasons).
* Congruence procedures are typically created by using
* the function CONGRULE.
* Congruence rules may have side conditions which should be solved
* by the solver provided to the congruence procedure. If they
* are not solved they can be added as assumptions to the theorem
* returned, and will need to be discharged by the user after
* traversal.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
datatype travrules = TRAVRULES of {
relations : preorder list,
congprocs : Opening.congproc list,
weakenprocs : Opening.congproc list
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Basic operations on travruless
* merge should only be used on non-overlapping travrule fragments.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
val merge_travrules: travrules list -> travrules
val gen_mk_travrules :
{relations : preorder list,
congprocs : Opening.congproc list,
weakenprocs : Opening.congproc list} -> travrules
val mk_travrules : preorder list -> thm list -> travrules
val cong2proc : preorder list -> thm -> Opening.congproc
(* the equality case - all theorems are interpeted as equality congruences *)
val EQ_preorder : preorder
val EQ_tr : travrules
end (* sig *)
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11