Structure UTF8Set
signature UTF8Set =
type t
val add : t * string -> t
val empty : t
val addList : t * string list -> t
val isEmpty : t -> bool
val listItems : t -> string list
val member : t * string -> bool
val longest_pfx_member : t * string -> {pfx:string,rest:string} option
[t] is the type of sets of (UTF8-encoded) strings. The implementation is
a trie like structure. If a malformed (in the sense of the UTF8
encoding) string is passed to any of these functions then the UTF8.BadUTF8
exception will be raised.
[add(t,s)] adds the string s to the set t.
[empty] is the empty set.
[addList(t,slist)] adds the list of strings slist to t.
[isEmpty t] returns true iff t does not contain any elements.
[listItems t] returns the list of elements in t.
[member(t,s)] returns true iff s is a member of t.
[longest_pfx_member(t,s)] returns SOME{pfx,rest} when pfx is the longest
prefix of s that is also a member of t, and rest is the rest of the string
s. If there is no prefix of s in t, then the function returns NONE.
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11