Structure boolSimps
signature boolSimps =
include Abbrev
val bool_ss : simpLib.simpset
val BOOL_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* boolean rewrites and
beta conversion *)
val CONG_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* congruence rules for ==> and
if-then-else *)
val CONJ_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* congruence rules for /\; not
included in bool_ss, but
occasionally useful *)
val NOT_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* rewrites that move negations
inwards, included in bool_ss *)
val COND_elim_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* eliminates if-then-else's;
not in bool_ss *)
val LIFT_COND_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* lifts conds high in a term, but
doesn't eliminate them; can merge
those of the same guard or
opposing guards *)
val UNWIND_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* "pointwise" elimination for
? and !, included in bool_ss *)
val ETA_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* eta conversion;
not included in bool_ss *)
val LET_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* writes out let terms, using a
congruence to evaluate the
second argument first *)
val literal_case_ss : simpLib.ssfrag (* writes out literal case terms,
using a congruence to evaluate
the second argument first *)
val DNF_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
(* converts a term to DNF at the level of propositional logic, and
also moves quantifiers around to give them maximum useful scope
over their bodies:
(?x. P x) /\ Q --> ?x. P x /\ Q
P /\ (?x. Q x) --> ?x. P /\ Q x
(?x. P x) ==> Q --> !x. P x ==> Q
P ==> !x. Q x --> !x. P ==> Q x
!x. P x /\ Q x --> (!x. P x) /\ (!x. Q x)
?x. P x \/ Q x --> (?x. P x) \/ (?x. Q x)
Think of this simpset fragment as attempting to achieve as
much as possible of STRIP_TAC within a single goal.
Note that it leaves ==> alone, but includes the following
extra rewrites:
P \/ Q ==> R --> (P ==> R) /\ (Q ==> R)
P ==> Q /\ R --> (P ==> Q) /\ (P ==> R)
This simpset fragment will give UNWIND_ss maximum opportunity to
eliminate equalities. *)
val EQUIV_EXTRACT_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
(* Extracts common terms from both sides of an equivalence. Example:
``A /\ B /\ C <=> C /\ B /\ D`` is transformed to
|- (A /\ B /\ C <=> C /\ B /\ D) <=> C /\ B ==> (A <=> D)
val NORMEQ_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
(* flips equalities that have a ground term on the left and a
non-ground term on the right *)
val SimpLHS : thm
val SimpRHS : thm
val SimpL : term -> thm
val SimpR : term -> thm
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11