Structure clauses
signature clauses =
include Abbrev
datatype pattern =
Pvar of int
| Papp of { Head : term, Args : pattern list}
datatype 'a fterm = (* order of Args: outermost ahead *)
CST of { Head : term,
Args : (term * 'a fterm) list,
Rws : 'a,
Skip : int option }
| CLOS of { Env : 'a fterm list, Term : 'a dterm }
and 'a dterm =
Bv of int
| Fv
| Cst of term * ('a * int option) ref
| App of 'a dterm * 'a dterm list (* order: outermost ahead *)
| Abs of 'a dterm
val is_skip : 'a * 'b fterm -> bool
val inst_type_dterm : (hol_type,hol_type) subst * 'a dterm -> 'a dterm
datatype action =
Rewrite of rewrite list
| Conv of (term -> Thm.thm * db fterm)
and db =
| Try of { Hcst : term, Rws : action, Tail : db }
| NeedArg of db
and rewrite =
RW of { cst: term, (* constant which the rule applies to *)
lhs: pattern list, (* patterns = constant args in lhs of thm *)
npv: int, (* number of distinct pat vars in lhs *)
rhs: db dterm,
thm: Thm.thm } (* thm we use for rewriting *)
type comp_rws
val empty_rws : unit -> comp_rws
val from_list : thm list -> comp_rws
val add_extern : term * int * (term -> thm * db fterm) -> comp_rws -> unit
val add_thms : thm list -> comp_rws -> unit
val add_thmset : string -> comp_rws -> unit
val scrub_const : comp_rws -> term -> unit
val scrub_thms : thm list -> comp_rws -> unit
val from_term : comp_rws * term list * term -> db dterm
val set_skip : comp_rws -> string * string -> int option -> unit
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11