Structure congLib
(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Simplification of terms similar to SIMP_CONV but regarding arbitrary *)
(* preorders instead of just equality *)
(* Created by Thomas Tuerk, March 2006 *)
(* ========================================================================= *)
signature congLib =
include Abbrev
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* congLib
* SIMP_CONV as defined in simpLib is a very useful tool. However,
* it is limited to simplify a term t1 to a term t2 which is equivalent
* according to the congruence =. The underlying traverser (TRAVERSER.sml)
* however is able to handle arbitrary congruences.
* This lib tries to provide this ability of the traverser to handle arbitrary
* congruences (or in fact preorders) to the end user. Therefore, an
* interface similar to the interface of SimpLib is provided.
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* congsetfrag
* Similar to ssfrag the datatype congsetfrag is a type used to construct
* congsets. It contains:
* relations: a list of preorders, that may be used for simplification
* a preorder is defined as in travrules. You may use mk_preorder from
* to create preorders
* rewrs: a set of rewrite theorems
* unlike simpLib conditional and ordered rewriting is not supported
* ad the moment. Therefore rewrite thms have to be of the form
* (R x y) where R is a preorder contained in relations or the equality.
* Additionally it is possible to provide theorems that use
* allquantification and that are conjunctions of such theorems.
* Notice, that providing rewrites like (x + y = y + x) will cause the
* simplification to loop, because no ordered rewriting is provided.
* congs: The congruence rules for the preorders. These rules are just defined
* as congruence rules, for the simplifier, since both are in fact
* congruence rules for the traverser. This means a congruence Rule is of
* the form
* R1 x1 y1 ==> R2 x2 y2 ==> ... Rn xn yn ==> R x y
* When simplifing a term t that matches x, where x contains x1, ... xn, * it first simplifies (x1 to y1 according to R1) then
* (x2 to y2 according to R2)... and finally return R x y where
* (y is instanciated by the match and the values for y1 ... yn.
* dprocs: a list of decision procedures as used by the traverser
* normally, you won't need dprocs. However, it provides some interface * to convert terms much more intelligent as rewrs do.
datatype congsetfrag = CSFRAG of
{relations : Travrules.preorder list,
rewrs : thm list,
congs : thm list,
dprocs : Traverse.reducer list
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* congset
* The real datastructure. It contains processed informations of consetfrags
type congset;
(*Some elemantary functions to handle congsets and congsetfrags*)
(*The empty congset, containing just equality*)
val empty_congset : congset;
(*Creates a congset out of a list of congsetfrags*)
val mk_congset : congsetfrag list -> congset
(*Adds a congsetfrag to a congset*)
val cs_addfrag : congset -> congsetfrag -> congset
(*Merges several congsetfrags*)
val merge_cs : congsetfrag list -> congsetfrag
(*creates a congsetfrag just containing rewrites*)
val csfrag_rewrites : thm list -> congsetfrag
(*adds rewrites to a congsetfrag*)
val add_csfrag_rewrites : congsetfrag -> thm list -> congsetfrag
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is the main function. It is quite similar to SIMP_CONV. Additionally to
* SIMP_CONV, it takes as the first argument the relation it
* should simplify according to and as the second argument a congset.
* The other parameters are just like the parameters of SIMP_CONV.
* Notice, that CONGRUENCE_SIMP_CONV ``$=`` empty_congset shoult behave
* exactly like SIMP_CONV.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
val CONGRUENCE_SIMP_CONV: term -> congset -> simpLib.simpset -> thm list -> term -> thm
* Similar to CONGRUENCE_SIMP_CONV. However, CONGRUENCE_SIMP_CONV returns R x x, if
* it can not simplify x. CONGRUENCE_SIMP_QCONV will fail in this case.
val CONGRUENCE_SIMP_QCONV: term -> congset -> simpLib.simpset -> thm list -> term -> thm
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* CONGRUENCE_SIMP_CONV with the equality relation, i.e. CONGRUENCE_SIMP_CONV ``$=``
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
val CONGRUENCE_EQ_SIMP_CONV: congset -> simpLib.simpset -> thm list -> term -> thm
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Tactics and rule similar to simpLib. They all use the equality relation as
* starting relation. However, by congruence rules, some other relations may be used
* for subterms
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
val CONGRUENCE_SIMP_RULE : congset -> simpLib.simpset -> thm list -> thm -> thm
val CONGRUENCE_SIMP_TAC : congset -> simpLib.simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val ASM_CONGRUENCE_SIMP_TAC : congset -> simpLib.simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val FULL_CONGRUENCE_SIMP_TAC : congset -> simpLib.simpset -> thm list -> tactic
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11