Structure locn
signature locn = sig
(* a type representing a point in the source file *)
datatype locn_point = LocP of int (* fragment (0-origin) *)
* int (* line (0-origin) *)
* int (* character (0-origin) *)
| LocA of int (* absolute line number in file (0-origin) *)
* int (* absolute column number in file (0-origin) *)
| LocPBeg of int (* beginning of fragment *)
| LocPEnd of int (* end of fragment *)
val locn_point_toString : locn_point -> string
(* add a line,char pair to a relative location point *)
val rel_to_abs : int -> int -> locn_point -> locn_point
(* a type representing a location (region) in the source file *)
datatype locn = Loc of locn_point * locn_point (* start and end character *)
| Loc_None (* compiler-generated *)
| Loc_Unknown
| Loc_Near of locn
(* if there are multiple QUOTE fragments in a row, they may be
concatenated and given the number of the first fragment; the
numbers of subsequent fragments do not change however. *)
(* an ANTIQUOTE fragment has no characters, so no start and end
positions *)
(* when a token is put back, eg with qbuf.replace_current, we
claim the new token is near where the old one was *)
val toString : locn -> string
val toShortString : locn -> string (* less verbose form *)
(* single-point region *)
val locp : locn_point -> locn
(* whole fragment *)
val locfrag : int -> locn
(* adjusting locations *)
val move_start : int -> locn -> locn
val split_at : int -> locn -> (locn * locn)
val near : locn -> locn
(* merging locations *)
val between : locn -> locn -> locn
type 'a located = 'a * locn
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11