Structure mlibRewrite
(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Joe Hurd. *)
(* ========================================================================= *)
signature mlibRewrite =
type 'a pp = 'a mlibUseful.pp
type term = mlibTerm.term
type thm = mlibThm.thm
type rewrs
datatype orient = LtoR | RtoL | Both
(* Basic operations *)
val empty : (term * term -> order option) -> rewrs
val reset : rewrs -> rewrs
val peek : rewrs -> int -> (thm * orient) option
val size : rewrs -> int
val eqns : rewrs -> thm list
(* Add an equation into the system *)
val add : int * thm -> rewrs -> rewrs
(* Rewriting (the order must be a refinement of the initial order) *)
val rewrite : rewrs -> (term * term -> order option) -> int * thm -> thm
(* Inter-reduce the equations in the system *)
val reduced : rewrs -> bool
val reduce' : rewrs -> rewrs * int list (* also returns new redexes *)
val reduce : rewrs -> rewrs
(* Pretty-printing *)
val pp_rewrs : rewrs pp
val rewrs_to_string : rewrs -> string
(* Rewriting as a derived rule *)
val REWRITE : thm list -> thm -> thm
val ORD_REWRITE : (term * term -> order option) -> thm list -> thm -> thm
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11