Structure numSimps
signature numSimps =
include Abbrev
type ctxt = thm list
val ARITH_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
val REDUCE_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
val SUC_FILTER_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
val ARITH_DP_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
val ARITH_DP_FILTER_ss : (thm -> bool) -> simpLib.ssfrag
val ARITH_RWTS_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
val ARITH_AC_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
val ARITH_NORM_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
val MOD_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
val CTXT_ARITH : ctxt -> conv
val CACHED_ARITH : ctxt -> conv
val clear_arith_caches : unit -> unit
val is_arith : term -> bool
val is_arith_asm : term -> bool
val arith_cache : Cache.cache
val ADDL_CANON_CONV : conv
val ADDR_CANON_CONV : conv
val MUL_CANON_CONV : conv
(* deprecated *)
val old_ARITH_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
[ARITH_ss] is a "simpset fragment" merging ARITH_DP_ss and
[ARITH_DP_ss] is a "simpset fragment" containing a cache-based
instance of ARITH_CONV for deciding universal Presburger formulas
over the natural numbers, and a "linear reducer", which attempts to
normalise arithmetic expressions over the natural numbers
(collecting up like terms etc).
[ARITH_RWTS_ss] is a collection of "obvious" arithmetic identities.
[ARITH_AC_ss] is an "AC" simpset fragment comprising the assoc-comm
rules for addition and multiplication. NB: in general this fragment
cannot be used in conjunction with arith_ss or ARITH_ss.
[REDUCE_ss] is a "simpset fragment" that reduces ground arithmetic
expressions. I.e., ``2 EXP 100``, but not ``x * 3``.
[SUC_FILTER_ss] is a "simpset fragment" that causes the simpset it
is merged into to subsequently modify input rewrite theorems so
that patterns over SUC match more readily.
[MOD_ss] is a "simpset fragment" that helps in the simplification
of terms involving MOD.
[is_arith t] is true if t is a term which ARITH_CONV might be able to
prove true.
[is_arith_asm t] is true if t might be added to a goal as an extra
hypothesis without confusing ARITH_CONV.
[arith_cache] is the cache on which ARITH_ss relies.
[ADDR_CANON_CONV t] normalises additive term t, collecting up terms with
common bases and summing coefficients. Additions are right-associated with
constants appearing to the right.
[ADDL_CANON_CONV t] normalises additive term t, collecting up terms with
common bases and summing coefficients. Additions are left-associated with
constants appearing to the right.
[MUL_CANON_CONV t] normalises multiplicative term t, collecting up terms
with common bases and summing exponents. Multiplications are left-
associated, except that constants appear separately to the left (thus
making such terms appropriate coefficient-base pairs).
[old_ARITH_ss] is an old version of ARITH_ss that does less
normalisation of arithmetic expressions. Here for some backwards
compatibility support.
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11