Structure quantHeuristicsLibParameters
signature quantHeuristicsLibParameters =
include Abbrev
(* stateful ones *)
val stateful_qp : unit -> quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
val pure_stateful_qp : unit -> quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
val TypeBase_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
val clear_stateful_qp : unit -> unit;
val stateful_qp___add_combine_arguments :
quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param list -> unit;
(* ones for specific types *)
(*pair type*)
val split_pair___PABS___pred : term -> term -> term option
val split_pair___FST_SND___pred : bool -> term -> term -> Abbrev.term option
val split_pair___ALL___pred : term -> term -> term option
val pair_qp : (term -> term -> term option) list ->
val pair_default_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
(*record type*)
val record_qp : bool -> (term -> term -> bool) ->
val record_default_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
(*other types*)
val num_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
val option_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
val list_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
val list_no_len_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param; (* do not use LENGTH to unroll lists *)
val list_len_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param; (* use LENGTH for number > 1 to unroll lists *)
val sum_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
(* filters for type matching *)
val sum_ty_filter : term -> term -> bool
val option_ty_filter : term -> term -> bool
val pair_ty_filter : term -> term -> bool
val num_ty_filter : term -> term -> bool
val list_ty_filter : term -> term -> bool
(* combination of all except the stateful ones *)
val no_ctxt_std_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
val direct_ctxt_std_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
val std_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
(* A heuristic that considers just the conclusion of implications. This may lead to wrong guesses, but
if used carefully, is a handy heuristic. *)
val implication_concl_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
(* A heuristic that looks at both sides of a conjunction independently
and just lifts the results. This may lead to wrong guesses, but
if used carefully, may be a handy heuristic. *)
val conj_lift_qp : quantHeuristicsLibBase.quant_param;
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11