Structure simpLib
(* =====================================================================
* FILE : simpLib.sig
* DESCRIPTION : A programmable, contextual, conditional simplifier
* AUTHOR : Donald Syme
* Based loosely on original HOL rewriting by
* Larry Paulson et al, and on the Isabelle simplifier.
* =====================================================================*)
signature simpLib =
include Abbrev
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* type simpset
* A simpset contains:
* - a collection of rewrite rules
* - a collection of equational conversions
* - a traversal strategy for applying them
* The traversal strategy may include other actions, especially
* decision procedures, which can work cooperatively with
* rewriting during simplification.
* Simpsets are foremost a collection of rewrite theorems stored
* efficiently in a termnet. These are made into conversions
* by using COND_REWR_CONV.
* Simpsets can contain arbitrary user conversions, as well as
* rewrites and contextual-rewrites. These conversions should
* be thought of as infinite families of rewrites.
* Conversions can be keyed by term patterns (implemented
* using termnets). Thus a conversion won't even be called if
* the target term doesn't match (in the termnet sense of matching)
* its key.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
type convdata = { name: string,
key: (term list * term) option,
trace: int,
conv: (term list -> term -> thm) -> term list -> conv}
type stdconvdata = { name: string,
pats: term list,
conv: conv}
type relsimpdata = {refl: thm,
weakenings:thm list,
subsets : thm list,
rewrs : thm list}
type controlled_thm = BoundedRewrites.controlled_thm
type ssfrag
val SSFRAG :
{name : string option,
convs: convdata list,
rewrs: thm list,
ac: (thm * thm) list,
filter: (controlled_thm -> controlled_thm list) option,
dprocs: Traverse.reducer list,
congs: thm list} -> ssfrag
val frag_rewrites : ssfrag -> thm list
(* Easy building of common kinds of ssfrag objects *)
val Cong : thm -> thm
val AC : thm -> thm -> thm
val rewrites : thm list -> ssfrag
val dproc_ss : Traverse.reducer -> ssfrag
val ac_ss : (thm * thm) list -> ssfrag
val conv_ss : convdata -> ssfrag
val relsimp_ss : relsimpdata -> ssfrag
val std_conv_ss : stdconvdata -> ssfrag
val merge_ss : ssfrag list -> ssfrag
val name_ss : string -> ssfrag -> ssfrag
val named_rewrites : string -> thm list -> ssfrag
val named_merge_ss : string -> ssfrag list -> ssfrag
val type_ssfrag : hol_type -> ssfrag
val partition_ssfrags : string list -> ssfrag list ->
(ssfrag list * ssfrag list)
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* mk_simpset: Joins several ssfrag fragments to make a simpset.
* This is a "runtime" object - the ssfrag can be thought of as the
* static, data objects.
* Beware of duplicating information - you should only
* merge distinct ssfrag fragments! (like BOOL_ss and PURE_ss).
* You cannot merge simpsets with lower-case names (like bool_ss).
* The order of the merge is significant w.r.t. congruence rules
* and rewrite makers.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
type simpset
val empty_ss : simpset
val ssfrags_of : simpset -> ssfrag list
val mk_simpset : ssfrag list -> simpset
val remove_ssfrags : simpset -> string list -> simpset
val ssfrag_names_of : simpset -> string list
val ++ : simpset * ssfrag -> simpset (* infix *)
val && : simpset * thm list -> simpset (* infix *)
val limit : int -> simpset -> simpset
val unlimit : simpset -> simpset
val add_weakener : (Travrules.preorder list * thm list * Traverse.reducer) ->
simpset -> simpset
val add_relsimp : relsimpdata -> simpset -> simpset
val traversedata_for_ss: simpset -> Traverse.traverse_data
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* SIMP_CONV : simpset -> conv
* SIMP_CONV makes a simplification conversion from the given simpset. The
* conversion uses a top-depth strategy for rewriting. It sets both
* the solver and the depther to be SIMP_CONV itself.
* SIMP_CONV never fails, though it may diverge. Beware of
* divergence when trying to solve conditions to conditional rewrites.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
val SIMP_PROVE : simpset -> thm list -> term -> thm
val SIMP_CONV : simpset -> thm list -> conv
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* SIMP_TAC : simpset -> tactic
* ASM_SIMP_TAC : simpset -> tactic
* FULL_SIMP_TAC : simpset -> tactic
* SIMP_TAC makes a simplification tactic from the given simpset. The
* tactic uses a top-depth strategy for rewriting, and will be recursively
* reapplied when a simplification step makes a change to a term.
* This is done in the same way as similar to TOP_DEPTH_CONV.
* ASM_SIMP_TAC draws extra rewrites (conditional and unconditional)
* from the assumption list. These are also added to the context that
* will be passed to conversions.
* FULL_SIMP_TAC simplifies the assumptions one by one, before
* simplifying the goal. The assumptions are simplified in the order
* that they are found in the assumption list, and the simplification
* of each assumption is used when simplifying the next assumption.
* These tactics never fail, though they may diverge.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
val SIMP_TAC : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val simp_tac : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val ASM_SIMP_TAC : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val asm_simp_tac : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val FULL_SIMP_TAC : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val full_simp_tac : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val REV_FULL_SIMP_TAC : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val rev_full_simp_tac : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val NO_STRIP_FULL_SIMP_TAC : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
val NO_STRIP_REV_FULL_SIMP_TAC : simpset -> thm list -> tactic
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* SIMP_RULE : simpset -> tactic
* ASM_SIMP_RULE : simpset -> tactic
* Make a simplification rule from the given simpset. The
* rule uses a top-depth strategy for rewriting.
* These rules never fail, though they may diverge.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
val SIMP_RULE : simpset -> thm list -> thm -> thm
val ASM_SIMP_RULE : simpset -> thm list -> thm -> thm
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* Accumulating the rewrite rules that are actually used. *)
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
val used_rewrites : thm list ref
val track_rewrites : bool ref
val track : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* Prettyprinters for ssfrags and simpsets. *)
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
val pp_ssfrag : ppstream -> ssfrag -> unit
val pp_simpset : ppstream -> simpset -> unit
HOL 4, Kananaskis-11