Structure mleProgram
signature mleProgram =
include Abbrev
datatype move =
Read of int | Write of int
| Incr of int | Decr of int
| Cond | Loop | EndLoop | EndCond
| Macro of int
type program = move list
val macro_array : move list option vector ref
type state = (int,int) Redblackmap.dict
type board = (int list * int) * (state list * program) * (program * program)
val mk_startsit : int list * (program * int) -> board
val gamespec : (board,move) mlReinforce.gamespec
val extspec : board mlReinforce.extgamespec
val inputl_org : int list list
val statel_org : state list
val state_of_inputl : int list -> state
val compare_statel : state list * state list -> order
val ol_of_statel : state list -> int list
val compare_ol : int list * int list -> order
val level_parameters : (int * int * int * int) list ref
val exec_prog : program -> state -> state
val random_prog : (int * int * int * int) -> program
val gen_olsizel : int -> (int list * (program * int)) list
val rand_olsize : int -> (int list * (program * int))
HOL 4, Kananaskis-13