Structure realSimps

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signature realSimps =

  include Abbrev
  (* eliminates common factors in divisions *)
  val elim_common_factor : Term.term -> Thm.thm

  (* Useful rewrites for basic real arithmetic *)
  val real_SS : simpLib.ssfrag

  (* performs calculations over rational values *)
  val REAL_REDUCE_ss : simpLib.ssfrag

  (* Incorporates simpsets for bool, pair, and arithmetic as well  *)
  val real_ss : simpLib.simpset

  (* AC rewrites for + and *: occasionally useful *)
  val real_ac_SS : simpLib.ssfrag

  (* the RealArith decision procedure *)
  val REAL_ARITH_ss : simpLib.ssfrag
  val arith_cache : Cache.cache (* the cache of results behind it *)

  (* Incorporates the real simpset *)
  val real_ac_ss : simpLib.simpset

  (* canonicalise additive and multiplicative terms; with addcanon calling
     mulcanon on each summand *)
  val REALADDCANON : conv
  val REALMULCANON : conv

  val real_compset : unit -> computeLib.compset


Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

HOL 4, Kananaskis-13