Induct : tactic
Performs structural induction over the type of the goal’s outermost universally quantified variable.
Given a universally quantified goal, Induct attempts to perform an induction based on the type of the leading universally quantified variable. The induction theorem to be used is looked up in the TypeBase database, which holds useful facts about the system’s defined types. Induct may also be used to reason about mutually recursive types.
Induct fails if the goal is not universally quantified, or if the type of the variable universally quantified does not have an induction theorem in the TypeBase database.
If attempting to prove
   !list. LENGTH (REVERSE list) = LENGTH list
one can apply Induct to begin a proof by induction on list.
   - e Induct;
This results in the base and step cases of the induction as new goals.

   LENGTH (REVERSE list) = LENGTH list
   ?- !h. LENGTH (REVERSE (h::list)) = LENGTH (h::list)
The same tactic can be used for induction over numbers. For example expanding the goal
   ?- !n. n > 2 ==> !x y z. ~(x EXP n + y EXP n = z EXP n)
with Induct yields the two goals
   ?- 0 > 2 ==> !x y z. ~(x EXP 0 + y EXP 0 = z EXP 0)

   n > 2 ==> !x y z. ~(x EXP n + y EXP n = z EXP n)
   ?- SUC n > 2 ==> !x y z. ~(x EXP SUC n + y EXP SUC n = z EXP SUC n)
Induct can also be used to perform induction on mutually recursive types. For example, given the datatype
       `exp = VAR of string                (* variables *)
            | IF  of bexp => exp => exp    (* conditional *)
            | APP of string => exp list    (* function application *)
       bexp = EQ  of exp => exp            (* boolean expressions *)
            | LEQ of exp => exp
            | AND of bexp => bexp
            | OR  of bexp => bexp
            | NOT of bexp`
one can use Induct to prove that all objects of type exp and bexp are of a non-zero size. (Recall that size definitions are automatically defined for datatypes.) Typically, mutually recursive types lead to mutually recursive induction schemes having multiple predicates. The scheme for the above definition has 3 predicates: P0, P1, and P2, which respectively range over expressions, boolean expressions, and lists of expressions.
   |- !P0 P1 P2.
        (!a. P0 (VAR a)) /\
        (!b e e0. P1 b /\ P0 e /\ P0 e0 ==> P0 (IF b e e0)) /\
        (!l. P2 l ==> !b. P0 (APP b l)) /\
        (!e e0. P0 e /\ P0 e0 ==> P1 (EQ e e0)) /\
        (!e e0. P0 e /\ P0 e0 ==> P1 (LEQ e e0)) /\
        (!b b0. P1 b /\ P1 b0 ==> P1 (AND b b0)) /\
        (!b b0. P1 b /\ P1 b0 ==> P1 (OR b b0)) /\
        (!b. P1 b ==> P1 (NOT b)) /\
        P2 [] /\
        (!e l. P0 e /\ P2 l ==> P2 (e::l))
        (!e. P0 e) /\ (!b. P1 b) /\ !l. P2 l
Invoking Induct on a goal such as
   !e. 0 < exp_size e
yields the three subgoals
   ?- !s. 0 < exp_size (APP s l)

   [ 0 < exp_size e, 0 < exp_size e' ] ?- 0 < exp_size (IF b e e')

   ?- !s. 0 < exp_size (VAR s)
In this case, P1 and P2 have been vacuously instantiated in the application of Induct, since it detects that only P0 is needed. However, it is also possible to use Induct to start the proofs of
    (!e. 0 < exp_size e) /\ (!b. 0 < bexp_size b)
    (!e. 0 < exp_size e) /\
    (!b. 0 < bexp_size b) /\
    (!list. 0 < exp1_size list)
HOL  Trindemossen-1