WF_REL_TAC : term quotation -> tactic
Start termination proof.
WF_REL_TAC builds a tactic that starts a termination proof. An invocation WF_REL_TAC q, where q should parse into a term that denotes a well-founded relation, builds a tactic tac that is intended to be applied to a goal arising from an application of tgoal or tprove. Such a goal has the form
   ?R. WF R /\ ...
The tactic tac will instantiate R with the relation denoted by q and will attempt various simplifications of the goal. For example, it will try to automatically prove the well-foundedness of the relation denoted by q, and will also attempt to simplify the goal using some basic facts about well-founded relations. Often this can result in a much simpler goal.
WF_REL_TAC q fails if q does not parse into a term whose type is an instance of 'a -> 'a -> bool.
Suppose that a version of Quicksort had been defined as follows:
   val qsort_defn =
        Hol_defn "qsort"
           `(qsort ___ [] = []) /\
            (qsort ord (x::rst) =
                APPEND (qsort ord (FILTER ($~ o ord x) rst))
                  (x :: qsort ord (FILTER (ord x) rst)))`;
Then one can start a termination proof as follows: set up a goalstack with tgoal and then apply WF_REL_TAC with a quotation denoting a suitable well-founded relation.
   - tgoal qsort_defn;
   > val it =
       Proof manager status: 1 proof.
       1. Incomplete:
          Initial goal:
           ?R. WF R /\
            (!rst x ord. R (ord,FILTER ($~ o ord x) rst) (ord,x::rst)) /\
             !rst x ord. R (ord,FILTER (ord x) rst) (ord,x::rst)

   - e (WF_REL_TAC `measure (LENGTH o SND)`);

   2 subgoals:
   > val it =
      !rst x ord. LENGTH (FILTER (ord x) rst) < LENGTH (x::rst)

      !rst x ord. LENGTH (FILTER (\x'. ~ord x x') rst) < LENGTH (x::rst)
Execution of WF_REL_TAC has automatically proved the well-foundedness of
   measure (LENGTH o SND)
and the remainder of the goal has been simplified into a pair of easy goals.
There are two problems to deal with when trying to prove termination. First, one has to understand, intuitively and then mathematically, why the function under consideration terminates. Second, one must be able to phrase this in HOL. In the following, we shall give a few examples of how this is done.

There are a number of basic and advanced means of specifying well-founded relations. The most common starting point for dealing with termination problems for recursive functions is to find some function, known as a ’measure’ under which the arguments of a function call are larger than the arguments to any recursive calls that result.

For a very simple starter example, consider the following definition of a function that computes the greatest common divisor of two numbers:

   - val gcd_defn = Hol_defn "gcd"
        `(gcd (0,n) = n) /\
         (gcd (m,n) = gcd (n MOD m, m))`;

   - Defn.tgoal gcd_defn;

   > val it =
       Proof manager status: 1 proof.
       1. Incomplete:
            Initial goal:
            ?R. WF R /\ !v2 n. R (n MOD SUC v2,SUC v2) (SUC v2,n)
The recursion happens in the first argument, and the recursive call in that position is a smaller number. The way to phrase the termination of gcd in HOL is to use a ‘measure‘ function to map from the domain of gcd---a pair of numbers---to a number. The definition of measure is equivalent to
   measure f x y = (f x < f y).
(The actual definition of measure in prim_recTheory is more primitive.) Now we must pick out the argument position to measure and invoke WF_REL_TAC:
   - e (WF_REL_TAC `measure FST`);

   1 subgoal:
   > val it =
    !v2 n. n MOD SUC v2 < SUC v2
This goal is easy to prove with a few simple arithmetic facts:
   - e (PROVE_TAC [arithmeticTheory.DIVISION, prim_recTheory.LESS_0]);

   Goal proved. ...
Sometimes one needs a measure function that is itself recursive. For example, consider a type of binary trees and a function that ‘unbalances‘ trees. The algorithm works by rotating the tree until it gets a Leaf in the left branch, then it recurses into the right branch. At the end of execution the tree has been linearized.
   - Hol_datatype
      `btree = Leaf
             | Brh of btree => btree`;

   - val Unbal_defn =
      Hol_defn "Unbal"
      `(Unbal Leaf = Leaf)
   /\  (Unbal (Brh Leaf bt) = Brh Leaf (Unbal bt))
   /\  (Unbal (Brh (Brh bt1 bt2) bt) = Unbal (Brh bt1 (Brh bt2 bt)))`;

   - Defn.tgoal Unbal_defn;

   > val it =
       Proof manager status: 1 proof.
       1. Incomplete:
          Initial goal:
           ?R. WF R /\
               (!bt. R bt (Brh Leaf bt)) /\
               !bt bt2 bt1. R (Brh bt1 (Brh bt2 bt)) (Brh (Brh bt1 bt2) bt)
Since the size of the tree is unchanged in the last clause in the definition of Unbal, a simple size measure will not work. Instead, we can assign weights to nodes in the tree such that the recursive calls of Unbal decrease the total weight in every case. One such assignment is
   Weight (Leaf) = 0
   Weight (Brh x y) = (2 * Weight x) + (Weight y) + 1
It is easiest to use Define to define Weight, but if one is worried about "polluting" the signature, one can also use prove_rec_fn_exists from the Prim_rec structure:
   val Weight =
     Prim_rec.prove_rec_fn_exists (TypeBase.axiom_of ("", "btree"))
      (Term`(Weight (Leaf) = 0) /\
            (Weight (Brh x y) = (2 * Weight x) + (Weight y) + 1)`);

   > val Weight =
      |- ?Weight.
            (Weight Leaf = 0) /\
            !x y. Weight (Brh x y) = 2 * Weight x + Weight y + 1 : thm

   - e (STRIP_ASSUME_TAC Weight);

   1 subgoal:
   > val it =
         WF R /\ (!bt. R bt (Brh Leaf bt)) /\
         !bt bt2 bt1. R (Brh bt1 (Brh bt2 bt)) (Brh (Brh bt1 bt2) bt)
         0.  Weight Leaf = 0
         1.  !x y. Weight (Brh x y) = 2 * Weight x + Weight y + 1
Now we can invoke WF_REL_TAC:
   e (WF_REL_TAC `measure Weight`);

   2 subgoals:
   > val it =
    !bt bt2 bt1.
      Weight (Brh bt1 (Brh bt2 bt)) < Weight (Brh (Brh bt1 bt2) bt)
      0.  Weight Leaf = 0
      1.  !x y. Weight (Brh x y) = 2 * Weight x + Weight y + 1

    !bt. Weight bt < Weight (Brh Leaf bt)
      0.  Weight Leaf = 0
      1.  !x y. Weight (Brh x y) = 2 * Weight x + Weight y + 1
Both of these subgoals are quite easy to prove.

The technique of ‘weighting‘ nodes in a tree in order to prove termination also goes by the name of ‘polynomial interpretation‘. It must be admitted that finding the correct weighting for a termination proof is more an art than a science. Typically, one makes a guess and then tries the termination proof to see if it works.

Occasionally, there’s a combination of factors that complicate the termination argument. For example, the following specification describes a naive pattern matching algorithm on strings (represented as lists here). The function takes four arguments: the first is the remainder of the pattern being matched. The second is the remainder of the string being searched. The third argument holds the original pattern to be matched. The fourth argument is the string being searched. If the pattern (first argument) becomes exhausted, then a match has been found and the function returns T. Otherwise, if the string being searched becomes exhausted, the function returns F.

   val match0_defn =
     Hol_defn "match0"
          `(match0 [] __ __ __ = T)
      /\   (match0 __ [] __ __ = F)
      /\   (match0 (p::pp) (s::ss) p0 rs =
             if p=s then match0 pp ss p0 rs else
             if NULL rs then F
                else match0 p0 (TL rs) p0 (TL rs))`;

   - val match = Define `match pat str = match0 pat str pat str`;
The remaining case is when there’s more searching to do; the function checks if the head of the pattern is the same as the head of the string being searched. If yes, then we recursively search, using the tail of the pattern and the tail of the string being searched. If no, that means that we have failed to match the pattern, so we should move one character ahead in the string being searched and try again. If the string being searched is empty, however, then we return F. The second and third arguments both represent the string being searched. The second argument is a kind of ‘local‘ version of the string being searched; we recurse into it as long as there are matches with the pattern. However, if the search eventually fails, then the fourth argument, which ‘remembers‘ where the search started from, is used to restart the search.

So much for the behaviour of the function. Why does it terminate? There are two recursive calls. The first call reduces the size of the first and second arguments, and leaves the other arguments unchanged. The second call can increase the size of the first and second arguments, but reduces the size of the fourth.

This is a classic situation in which to use a lexicographic ordering: some arguments to the function are reduced in some recursive calls, and some others are reduced in other recursive calls. Recall that LEX is an infix operator, defined in pairTheory as follows:

   LEX R1 R2 = \(x,y) (p,q). R1 x p \/ ((x=p) /\ R2 y q)
In the second recursive call, the length of rs is reduced, and in the first it stays the same. This motivates having the length of the fourth argument be the first component of the lexicographic combination, and the length of the second argument as the second component.

What we need now is to formalize this. We want to map from the four-tuple of arguments into a lexicographic combination of relations. This is enabled by inv_image from relationTheory:

   inv_image R f = \x y. R (f x) (f y)
The actual relation maps from the four-tuple of arguments into a pair of numbers (m,n), where m is the length of the fourth argument, and n is the length of the second argument. These lengths are then compared lexicographically with respect to less-than (<).
   - Defn.tgoal match0_defn;

   - e (WF_REL_TAC `inv_image ($< LEX $<)
                     (\(w,x,y,z). (LENGTH z, LENGTH x))`);

   2 subgoals:
   > val it =
    !rs ss s p.
      (p=s) ==> LENGTH rs < LENGTH rs \/ LENGTH ss < LENGTH (s::ss)

    !ss rs s p.
      ~(p = s) /\ ~NULL rs ==>
      LENGTH (TL rs) < LENGTH rs \/
      (LENGTH (TL rs) = LENGTH rs) /\ LENGTH (TL rs) < LENGTH (s::ss)
The first subgoal needs a case-split on rs before it is proved by rewriting, and the seconds is also easy to prove by rewriting.

As a final example, one occasionally needs to recurse over non-concrete data, such as finite sets or multisets. We can define a ‘fold‘ function (of questionable utility) for finite sets as follows:

   load "pred_setTheory"; open pred_setTheory;

   val FOLD_SET_defn =
     Defn.Hol_defn "FOLD_SET"
     `FOLD_SET (s:'a->bool) (b:'b) =
        if FINITE s then
           if s={} then b
           else FOLD_SET (REST s) (f (CHOICE s) b)
        else ARB`;
Typically, such functions terminate because the cardinality of the set (or multiset) is reduced in the recursive call, and this is another application of measure:
   val (FOLD_SET_0, FOLD_SET_IND) =
    Defn.tprove (FOLD_SET_defn,
      WF_REL_TAC `measure (CARD o FST)`

The desired recursion equation
   |- FINITE s ==> (FOLD_SET f s b =
                      if s = {} then b
                      else FOLD_SET f (REST s) (f (CHOICE s) b))
is easy to obtain from FOLD_SET_0.
HOL  Trindemossen-1