recInduct : thm -> tactic
Performs recursion induction.
An invocation recInduct thm on a goal g, where thm is typically an induction scheme returned from an invocation of Define or Hol_defn, attempts to match the consequent of thm to g and, if successful, then replaces g by the instantiated antecedents of thm. The order of quantification of the goal should correspond with the order of quantification in the conclusion of thm.

recInduct fails if the goal is not universally quantified in a way corresponding with the quantification of the conclusion of thm.
Suppose we had introduced a function for incrementing a number until it no longer can be found in a given list:
   variant x L = if MEM x L then variant (x + 1) L else x
Typically Hol_defn would be used to make such a definition, and some subsequent proof would be required to establish termination. Once that work was done, the specified recursion equations would be available as a theorem and, as well, a corresponding induction theorem would also be generated. In the case of variant, the induction theorem variant_ind is
   |- !P. (!x L. (MEM x L ==> P (x + 1) L) ==> P x L) ==> !v v1. P v v1
Suppose now that we wish to prove that the variant with respect to a list is not in the list:
   ?- !x L. ~MEM (variant x L) L`,
One could try mathematical induction, but that won’t work well, since x gets incremented in recursive calls. Instead, induction with ‘variant-induction’ works much better. recInduct can be used to apply such theorems in tactic proof. For our example, recInduct variant_ind yields the goal
   ?- !x L. (MEM x L ==> ~MEM (variant (x + 1) L) L) ==> ~MEM (variant x L) L
A few simple tactic applications then prove this goal.
HOL  Trindemossen-1