Define : term quotation -> thm
General-purpose function definition facility.
Define takes a high-level specification of a HOL function, and attempts to define the function in the logic. If this attempt is successful, the specification is derived from the definition. The derived specification is returned to the user, and also stored in the current theory. Define may be used to define abbreviations, recursive functions, and mutually recursive functions. An induction theorem may be stored in the current theory as a by-product of Define’s activity. This induction theorem follows the recursion structure of the function, and may be useful when proving properties of the function.

Define takes as input a quotation representing a conjunction of equations. The specified function(s) may be phrased using ML-style pattern-matching. A call Define `<spec>` should conform with the following grammar:

       spec ::= <eqn>
            |   (<eqn>) /\ <spec>

        eqn ::= <alphanumeric> <pat> ... <pat> = <term>

        pat ::= <variable>
            |   <wildcard>
            |   <cname>                          (* 0-ary constructor *)
            |   (<cname>_n <pat>_1 ... <pat>_n)  (* constructor appl. *)

      cname ::= <alphanumeric> | <symbolic>

   wildcard ::= _
            |   _<wildcard>
When processing the specification of a recursive function, Define must perform a termination proof. It automatically constructs termination conditions for the function, and invokes a termination prover in an attempt to prove the termination conditions.

If the function is primitive recursive, in the sense that it exactly follows the recursion pattern of a previously declared HOL datatype, then this proof always succeeds, and Define stores the derived equations in the current theory segment. Otherwise, the function is not an instance of primitive recursion, and the termination prover may succeed or fail.

If it succeeds, then Define stores the specified equations in the current theory segment. An induction theorem customized for the defined function is also stored in the current segment. Note, however, that an induction theorem is not stored for primitive recursive functions, since that theorem would be identical to the induction theorem resulting from the declaration of the datatype.

If the termination proof fails, then Define fails.

In general, Define attempts to derive exactly the specified conjunction of equations. However, the rich syntax of patterns allows some ambiguity. For example, the input

    Define `(f 0 _ = 1)
      /\    (f _ 0 = 2)`
is ambiguous at f 0 0: should the result be 1 or 2? The system attempts to resolve this ambiguity in the same way as compilers and interpreters for functional languages. Namely, a conjunction of equations is treated as being processed left-conjunct first, followed by processing the right conjunct. Therefore, in the example above, the right-hand side of the first clause is taken as the value of f 0 0. In the implementation, ambiguities arising from such overlapping patterns are systematically translated away in a pre-processing step.

Another case of vagueness in patterns is shown above: the specification is ‘incomplete‘ since it does not tell us how f should behave when applied to two non-zero arguments: e.g., f (SUC m) (SUC n). In the implementation, such missing clauses are filled in, and have the value ARB. This ‘pattern-completion‘ step is a way of turning descriptions of partial functions into total functions suitable for HOL. However, since the user has not completely specified the function, the system takes that as a hint that the user is not interested in using the function at the missing-but-filled-in clauses, and so such clauses are dropped from the final theorem.

In summary, Define will derive the unambiguous and complete equations

     |- (f 0 (SUC v4) = 1) /\
        (f 0 0 = 1) /\
        (f (SUC v2) 0 = 2)
        (f (SUC v2) (SUC v4) = ARB)
from the above ambiguous and incomplete equations. The odd-looking variable names are due to the pre-processing steps described above. The above result is only an intermediate value: in the final result returned by Define, the last equation is droppped:
     |- (f 0 (SUC v4) = 1) /\
        (f 0 0 = 1) /\
        (f (SUC v2) 0 = 2)

Define automatically generates names with which to store the definition and, (if it exists) the associated induction theorem, in the current theory. The name for storing the definition is built by concatenating the name of the function with the value of the reference variable Defn.def_suffix. The name for storing the induction theorem is built by concatenating the name of the function with the value of the reference variable Defn.ind_suffix. For mutually recursive functions, where there is a choice of names, the name of the function in the first clause is taken.

Since the names used to store elements in the current theory segment are transformed into ML bindings after the theory is exported, it is required that every invocation of Define generates names that will be valid ML identifiers. For this reason, Define requires alphanumeric function names. If one wishes to define symbolic identifiers, the ML function xDefine should be used.

Define fails if its input fails to parse and typecheck.

Define fails if the name of the function being defined is not alphanumeric.

Define fails if there are more free variables on the right hand sides of the recursion equations than the left.

Define fails if it cannot prove the termination of the specified recursive function. In that case, one has to embark on the following multi-step process in order to get the same effect as if Define had succeeded: (1) construct the function and synthesize its termination conditions with Hol_defn; (2) set up a goal to prove the termination conditions with tgoal; (3) interactively prove the termination conditions, starting with an invocation of WF_REL_TAC; and (4) package everything up with an invocation of tDefine.

We will give a number of examples that display the range of functions that may be defined with Define. First, we have a recursive function that uses "destructors" in the recursive call. Since fact is not primitive recursive, an induction theorem for fact is generated and stored in the current theory.
   Define `fact x = if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact(x-1)`;

   Equations stored under "fact_def".
   Induction stored under "fact_ind".
   > val it = |- fact x = (if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact (x - 1)) : thm

   - DB.fetch "-" "fact_ind";

   > val it =
     |- !P. (!x. (~(x = 0) ==> P (x - 1)) ==> P x) ==> !v. P v : thm
Next we have a recursive function with relatively complex pattern-matching. We omit to examine the generated induction theorem.
   Define `(flatten  []           = [])
      /\   (flatten ([]::rst)     = flatten rst)
      /\   (flatten ((h::t)::rst) = h::flatten(t::rst))`

   <<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a>>

   Equations stored under "flatten_def".
   Induction stored under "flatten_ind".

   > val it =
       |- (flatten [] = []) /\
          (flatten ([]::rst) = flatten rst) /\
          (flatten ((h::t)::rst) = h::flatten (t::rst)) : thm
Next we define a curried recursive function, which uses wildcard expansion and pattern-matching pre-processing.
   Define `(min (SUC x) (SUC y) = min x y + 1)
      /\   (min  ____    ____   = 0)`;

   Equations stored under "min_def".
   Induction stored under "min_ind".

   > val it =
       |- (min (SUC x) (SUC y) = min x y + 1) /\
          (min (SUC v2) 0 = 0) /\
          (min 0 v1 = 0) : thm
Next we make a primitive recursive definition. Note that no induction theorem is generated in this case.
   Define `(filter P [] = [])
     /\    (filter P (h::t) = if P h then h::filter P t else filter P t)`;

   <<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a>>
   Definition has been stored under "filter_def".

   > val it =
      |- (!P. filter P [] = []) /\
         !P h t. filter P (h::t) =
                  (if P h then h::filter P t else filter P t) : thm
Define may also be used to define mutually recursive functions. For example, we can define a datatype of propositions and a function for putting a proposition into negation normal form as follows. First we define a datatype for boolean formulae (prop):
   - Hol_datatype
       `prop = VAR of 'a
             | NOT of prop
             | AND of prop => prop
             | OR  of prop => prop`;

   > val it = () : unit
Then two mutually recursive functions nnfpos and nnfneg are defined:
   - Define
        `(nnfpos (VAR x)   = VAR x)
    /\   (nnfpos (NOT p)   = nnfneg p)
    /\   (nnfpos (AND p q) = AND (nnfpos p) (nnfpos q))
    /\   (nnfpos (OR p q)  = OR  (nnfpos p) (nnfpos q))

    /\   (nnfneg (VAR x)   = NOT (VAR x))
    /\   (nnfneg (NOT p)   = nnfpos p)
    /\   (nnfneg (AND p q) = OR  (nnfneg p) (nnfneg q))
    /\   (nnfneg (OR p q)  = AND (nnfneg p) (nnfneg q))`;
The system returns:
   <<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a>>

   Equations stored under "nnfpos_def".
   Induction stored under "nnfpos_ind".

   > val it =
       |- (nnfpos (VAR x) = VAR x) /\
          (nnfpos (NOT p) = nnfneg p) /\
          (nnfpos (AND p q) = AND (nnfpos p) (nnfpos q)) /\
          (nnfpos (OR p q) = OR (nnfpos p) (nnfpos q)) /\
          (nnfneg (VAR x) = NOT (VAR x)) /\
          (nnfneg (NOT p) = nnfpos p) /\
          (nnfneg (AND p q) = OR (nnfneg p) (nnfneg q)) /\
          (nnfneg (OR p q) = AND (nnfneg p) (nnfneg q)) : thm
Define may also be used to define non-recursive functions.
   Define `f x (y,z) = (x + 1 = y DIV z)`;

   Definition has been stored under "f_def".

   > val it = |- !x y z. f x (y,z) = (x + 1 = y DIV z) : thm
Define may also be used to define non-recursive functions with complex pattern-matching. The pattern-matching pre-processing of Define can be convenient for this purpose, but can also generate a large number of equations. For example:
   Define `(g (0,_,_,_,_) = 1) /\
           (g (_,0,_,_,_) = 2) /\
           (g (_,_,0,_,_) = 3) /\
           (g (_,_,_,0,_) = 4) /\
           (g (_,_,_,_,0) = 5)`
yields a definition with thirty-one clauses.
In an eqn, no variable can occur more than once on the left hand side of the equation.

In HOL, constructors are curried functions, unlike in ML. When used in a pattern, a constructor must be fully applied to its arguments.

Also unlike ML, a pattern variable in a clause of a definition is not distinct from occurrences of that variable in other clauses.

Define translates a wildcard into a new variable, which is named to be different from any other variable in the function definition. As in ML, wildcards are not allowed to occur on the right hand side of any clause in the definition.

An induction theorem generated in the course of processing an invocation of Define can be applied by recInduct.

Invoking Define on a conjunction of non-recursive clauses having complex pattern-matching will result in an induction theorem being stored. This theorem may be useful for case analysis, and can be applied by recInduct.

Define takes a ‘quotation‘ as an argument. Some might think that the input to Define should instead be a term. However, some important pre-processing happens in Define that would not be possible if the input was a term.

Define is a mechanization of a well-founded recursion theorem (relationTheory.WFREC_COROLLARY).

Define currently has a rather weak termination prover. For example, it always fails to prove the termination of nested recursive functions.

bossLib.Define is most commonly used. TotalDefn.Define is identical to bossLib.Define, except that the TotalDefn structure comes with less baggage---it depends only on numLib and pairLib.

Define automatically adds the definition it makes into the hidden ‘compset‘ accessed by EVAL and EVAL_TAC.

HOL  Trindemossen-1